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Thread: Settlement parent dependent visa

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Settlement parent dependent visa

    Hi! Has anyone applied for a dependent visa for parent yet? I applied my dad last june but he was refused...i was so gutted coz the fact that i paid and spend nearly my two months salary..The decision was these he is able to live indepentdently,no medical condition apart from diabetic diet controlled,i am able to support him financially..pls can anyone advise me what advise that you can share I am going to appeal very soon.thanks

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerri25 View Post
    Hi! Has anyone applied for a dependent visa for parent yet? I applied my dad last june but he was refused...i was so gutted coz the fact that i paid and spend nearly my two months salary..The decision was these he is able to live indepentdently,no medical condition apart from diabetic diet controlled,i am able to support him financially..pls can anyone advise me what advise that you can share I am going to appeal very soon.thanks
    The UKBA webpage for Adult dependent relatives can be found by clicking here
    The sponsor (you) needs to be settled here (means you must hold ILR)

    It's very difficult to give specific guidance on next steps without knowing the exact wording of the refusal notice.

    I can say that one of the most common reasons for refusal is on the basis of insufficient maintenance and accommodation undertaking

    As you will know the key requirements for the applicant are:-
    - You need long-term personal care to perform every day tasks, such as washing and cooking.
    - The care you need is not available in the country where you are living, either because it is not available and there is no person in the country where you are living who can reasonably provide it or it is not affordable.
    - Your sponsor can show that he or she is able to provide adequate maintenance, accommodation and care for you without having to rely on public funds. Your sponsor will need to sign a sponsorship undertaking form to confirm that they will be responsible for your care without relying on public funds for a period of at least 5 years.

    I highlighted the last para as it's very important

    UKBA are actually pretty strict about this and if your father has any family in Philippines then UKBA will want to know they are not taking care to him.

    Without sufficient funding from your side it's a tough ask to be able to comply with the 5-year sponsors undertaking to support all the costs of looking after your parent without recourse to public funds.
    UKBA expects your father to be facing circumstances where there's really nobody at all to care for him in his daily needs. It's unlikely that UKBA would accept a situation where there is existing family in Philippines but they just refuse to look after him.
    In such cases you'd need advice from an immigration advisor experience in Adult Dependent Relative Visa issues.

    The other challenge is that UKBA want to know who does such things for your father right now. As you claim he is dependent on you.

    In terms of appeals, these can take a long time and will cause you additional expenses. Normally the applicant is allowed 28 days from refusal notice in which to lodge an appeal, do you still fall within this time restriction?

    Please do share the refusal wording as this can really help to formulate next steps and also how to counter those refusal reasons in a subsequent new application.

    Hope there's something in my writing here to help point you in the right direction.

  3. #3
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    parent dependent visa refusal

    Hi! I have signed the sponsor form. they are satisfied with the finances i have shown ..the main reason was this my father do not require a long term personal care to perform daily tasks or shown that you areunable to obtain the required level of care in the phils for his medical condition... as i understood does it need to be my dad to be really ill??? is that it coz he is still able to perform daily task...i have got siblings but doesnt live with him either ...dads siblings are ill and relatives are in the province of pangasinan.pls reply for some more advise and share similar experience.Thanks and God bless...

  4. #4
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    Hi Gerri,

    Thanks for sharing the refusal reason.

    I can't really add anything further for you I'm afraid.

    Clearly UKBA are not convinced that your father is actually dependent on you for his everyday tasks.
    It doesn't need to be due to illness, it just needs to be dependency.

    Before making any subsequent application you need to consider how to present stronger and more compelling evidence supporting dependency, (that interpretation of dependency needs to be in line with the UKBA version which may or may not be the same as yours).
    You would also need to provide evidence that such care/support is not available or affordable in Philippines and also that the reason(s) that such care cannot reasonably be providing by other family members.
    Important also to show that the current levels and source of care/support provided to your father is /will be no longer available.

    As I mentioned, you might feel that professional guidance from an immigration advisor, who is experienced in the Adult Dependency aspects, would give you the needed edge.

    Sorry can't be any more specific, the immigration rules (right or wrong) need to be strictly complied with.

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