Here we go...

Tonight will be the last night that Jet sleeps in her own place...

Wednesday she will spend time gathering the last bits and pieces to stuff in the suitcase, saying the good-byes to family and friends, and at 10 pm the same evening she will be in Cebu airport ready to board that long flight into the unknown.

What will she be thinking, what will her fears be, what of her expectations...??

I wanted to ask the ladies in the forum, that have gone through this experience before, to share with me their thoughts on the matter.
So that I can find the right things to say, and do, to reassure her.
After all, she is leaving behind everything she has known all her life to start anew with me, near enough a stranger, half a world away from her roots.
So, please Ladies, what goes through your mind while waiting in the Airport departure lounge...???
