The gentleman performed very well on the BBC 'Today' programme this morning...despite the usual biased and blatantly anti-UKIP questioning.
Good man.
The gentleman performed very well on the BBC 'Today' programme this morning...despite the usual biased and blatantly anti-UKIP questioning.
Good man.
good man tell it like it is
all this pollitical nonsense and accusations of being racist is just a means of shutting up our free speech,
about time we had a leader that is in touch with reality
The problem with using the Right of Free Speech to justify just about anything, is that often that is taken to mean that one has a right to say anything they like. That argument can lead to serious implications.
I personally see no good reason to use the term "Bongo Bongo Land" (i.e. black men living in the jungle with no more intelligence than to beat drums) other than to insult people from less well off countries which need help. He may well have been including The Philippines in his generalisations.
That many may believe money should not be sent out of UK when the UK are having money problems, is an acceptable point of view, but offensive language to support that view in not justified.
Free Speech, the law in UK:-
Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights expressly provides that the right to freedom of expression is qualified by such restrictions as are necessary "for the protection of the reputation and rights of others." That means that the law does not guarantee the right to publish defamatory statements that injure others' reputations.
In addition, the right to free expression does not protect speakers or publishers who compromise someone's privacy by misusing or disseminating their private information (by publishing it in a newspaper, for example) where that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy .
the problem with restriction to free speech is that if your english free speech is discriminative,
but if you are not english living in england then you can speak freely without being accused of being racist,
it is an imbalance, we all know it is and it is used against the british citizen,
why do the so called politically correct do gooders not protect the british citizen in the same way
Nothing wrong with the words Bongo Bongo Land - just phraseology like that other place Cloud Cuckoo Land which is where the politicians who dish out our money live. As the guy said the recipients are the tin pot dictators of these countries who then lavish the "aid money" on themselves.
Well done Mr Bloom
Dedworth, I added to my post, which obviously you did not see. It was:-
I personally see no good reason to use the term "Bongo Bongo Land" (i.e. black men living in the jungle with no more intelligence than to beat drums) other than to insult people from less well off countries which need help. He may well have been including The Philippines in his generalisations, which most of us would have found very offensive.
That many may believe money should not be sent out of UK when the UK are having money problems, is an acceptable point of view, but offensive language to support that view in not justified.
Cloud Cuckoo Land does not have derogatory undertones and so is completely different.
Hold on there John.
That is YOUR interpretation. I haven't heard those words spoken, or seen them written by any UKIP representative.![]()
Maybe he did have (corrupt) countries like the Philippines in mind. That would seem fair enough to me.
Ref. your Human Rights extract: Exactly who's rights and reputation are being attacked ?
Perhaps the elected representative of 'Bongo Bongo Land' would like to enter an official complaint.
This really is a load of pedantic nonsense....trawled up from weeks ago by- stirring journalists and others, peeved at the thought of someone expressing views that are probably shared by the majority of ordinary British people.
have i missed something![]()
we british have had our britishness ripped away from us, speech,jokes,nursery rhyms, infact everything that makes us british, all in the name of political correctness, over stupid words that we use many not offensive at all but made out to be offensive by others , its our way british way most of these words have never been spoken to be taken offensively, let us be who we are, with our british sense of humour
maybe us british should just have our tongues cut out and have done with it,
soon all be a distant memory for you stewart , have to get all your news from us guys over here
Millions like me fail to see Bongo Bongo Land as derogatory - I believe Bongo drums originated in Cuba so what is the connection with Black Men in a Jungle ?
Anyway I'll be careful not to use terms such as Never Never Land and Land of Nod in future in case I cause offence
It's not the sort of phrase that I'd use, but Godfrey Bloom is welcome to spout whatever kind of rubbish he wants. It just shows his true colours and ensures that he will never get elected. He claims to speak for ordinary people, but I don't know many that share his views.
However, he is correct to question where our foreign aid is spent. It should go directly to the people who need it most, with a robust audit trail. Cameron is right to ring-fence the foreign aid budget. In my opinion, it should be increased.
Keith is from Cuckoo Land..And I'm from Ug Ug Land..we find it funny![]()
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
I'm a Yorkshireman.
That's why I have a dour sense of humour, a flat hat and a Whippet...and have my pockets sewn up.![]()
Very little offends me Stewart.
I have a very good-humoured 'tongue-in-cheek' disposition.
Some people lack the intelligence to appreciate it though.![]()
Not to worry Stewart.
You'll be amongst smiley friendly folk in the Phils soon...away from all that rubbish.![]()
i wont be missing the winter![]()
Even Noddy and Bigears cant sleep together in the UK![]()
Questioning how we spend ODA is good and sensible.
Using the phrase, "Bongo Bongo Land" makes one an unmitigated flange.
He's done pretty well for a 'flange'.
..Still waiting for someone from Bongo Bongo land to send in an official complaint.
Otherwise it seems to be just a lot of silly people getting their knickers in a twist over nothing (and an OBVIOUS sniping opportunity for all the lefties), rather than addressing the serious and pressing issues in this country, most of which were gifted to the current lot in power by Bliar and his troupe of self-serving clowns.
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