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Thread: Australia on Bloater Alert

  1. #1
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    Australia on Bloater Alert

    British MP Tom Watson flying in to take on Murdoch tabloids

    As if the Aussie Labour Party wasn't in enough trouble...........

    It's encouraging for the electorate of West Bromwich East to see their man earning his taxpayer funded salary.

    I wonder if his young female "assistant" will be accompanying him in an adjoining first class seat

    The Australian Labor Party distance themselves from Watson:

    ‘A Labor election campaign spokeswoman says that “the ALP is not paying for” Watson’s visit, nor will Labor be paying Watson during his stay. “We have not invited him,” the spokeswoman said.’

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    He is a waste of time. I have been in touch with him a year ago over the rules of the spouse visa all he did was tell me what I already knew.

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Just returned from down under last week and all I can say is that the politics there are just odd.

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