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Thread: How does it feel being regected?

  1. #1
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    How does it feel being regected?

    hello everyone, i just want to share with you my thoughts today and i hope also that you would share yours. I am going to meet my online friend for the first time and i know you feel the same way as what i feel now, I am scared because what if things will not work out? how would you handle the situation? how would you face the people around yo? like your famliy? though theres no assurance about in a relationship but we all both know the thinking of the filipino people? how many man did you meet before finally meeting your husband? i hope you could share your thoughts guys! God Bless.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Lots of answers in 6hrs.....anyone would think people had something to do today

    If it doesn't workout.....simple....move on....start the process again till it does work.....
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Relax. Enjoy.


  4. #4
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    just dont expect too much... less disappointments... should things dont work out the way you want them to be.

  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mGie View Post
    hello everyone, i just want to share with you my thoughts today and i hope also that you would share yours. I am going to meet my online friend for the first time and i know you feel the same way as what i feel now, I am scared because what if things will not work out? how would you handle the situation? how would you face the people around yo? like your famliy? though theres no assurance about in a relationship but we all both know the thinking of the filipino people? how many man did you meet before finally meeting your husband? i hope you could share your thoughts guys! God Bless.
    just simple answer don't expect to him to much,he might not inlove withyou

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    just be yourself and enjoy each others company, if it didn't workout maybe your not meant to be... simple as that... dont mind what other people will say to you ganon naman mga pinoy they always say something di ba, just ignore them.

    dont expect too much, let the nature sets its course

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mich View Post
    just dont expect too much... less disappointments... should things dont work out the way you want them to be.
    Listen to your own words
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Listen to your own words
    OPO! That's the only advice i can give to myself... in any situation!

  9. #9
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Just be yourself and think positive!

  10. #10
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    First of all, just ensure that thius person is who they say they are? Check out thier home address before meeting them, by sending a letter, pass on all the address details to a friend, Your first priority is to ensure your safety, so on first meeting at the airport, take a friend or two then just relax and have fun meeting and talking about cultural differences. As for the possible coments from others, who cares what they think!!!! Just have fun knowing that your Family and friends will know you better and believe you have followed the Philippino Way :-) He is just a friend for now, so nothing to fear, just see where life takes you and may God be with you.
    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    do what my misses did, she got her mom to meet me at the airport and i think check me out that i was not , while she waited in the car, i think for a quick get away if needed

    why worry so much , life is too short, go with the flow and don't regret the things you did, only the thnigs you didn't do

  12. #12
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Mgie, first of all, you are worried about what would be said in your Brgy, if it does not work out, that is understandable, we all know how Chismis goes around, I can just imagine it now, it goes like this:

    "Ohhhhh what does he look like ? her foreigner is coming ! do you think they will end up getting married ? oh you know what those foreigners are like, they change boats in the middle of the stream when the going gets tough?

    "And they divorce their wife,and they might not be true to you, and ohhhh is he well off ?"

    We all know these and other things are some of the chitter chatter that goes on, and if it does not work out, then they will say "Oh you see her foreigner came, and it did not work out, see you cannot trust them"

    So how do you react, well for one thing, you have to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, after all, who in their right mind would travel over 6000 KM to the Philippines exclusively to see you !! and have thoughts that he did not want it to work out, maybe he is a sex tourist, or maybe he is just out for a good time, and has time and money to throw away on long distance travel.

    Secondly, if a guy was a sex tourist, he would be much better off financially, if he spent his money back home, he can simply divide all the number of sexual encounters by the total cost, and financial management suggests he would be much better off if he stayed at home and visited a massage parlor.

    So look at it from the point of the view of the guy who is travelling, after all, he more or less has the same worries it kind of goes like this:

    :His Mum for example: "Why do you have to chat with those Filipino girls on the internet ? can't you find a local girl, so and so likes you down at kwik fit, and then there is that nice girl at work you liked for a while, why can't you call one of them"

    Or then there is his mates" "Watch out mate for those foreign women, they are gold diggers and just want a British passport" "you don't want to be going with them"

    "They are just after money and then they leave you when they arrive and get settled - I saw it in the Mail on Sunday mate last week"

    The guy who travels across the world to the Philippines, is full of cautionary tales about scheming Filipina's who want it all and they want it now"

    The Filipina who is looking for a nice husband and a family life overseas is beset with cautionary tales of woe, from well meaning family, friends and work colleagues.

    Sometimes its hard to ever imagine how the Western guy and the Filipina ever end up getting together with all these cautionary tales of murder, abuse, mayhem and Westerners from hell.

    The fact remains, there are 100s of thousands of couples around the world, who have met this way, married, and have kids, they get on well, and continue to make a happy family life.

    So my best advice is, go with your head, get to know the person you might give your heart to, but above all, forget the fact that one of you is not Filipino and forget the fact that one of you is not British.

    Just find out if you like each other, and see whether that person is likely to be someone who you would want to spend the rest of your life with.

    You need to think that way, because when the courtship finishes, and the real life begins, you the two of you are going to be together against the whole world, and believe me, the honeymoon does come to an end, then when the real life starts, he gets up and goes to work, you get up and go to work, you have hectic lives, you are trying to build a house, support your family, bring up your children, then you do really need each other, yes there will be hard times, arguments, rows, and reconciliations, so forget about the Chismis, and concentrate on the man that might just be your husband for life.

  13. #13
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    hi Mgie! i feel the same how you feel now, I am going to meet my online friend for the first time this february 2008 and i guess, all the replies from the member here is right, we should just be ourselves and enjoy each others company, if things will not turn out good then maybe, theres a better man that will come our way, in Gods perfect time and place. What matters most is we have been honest with our intentions to find the right man and same with to find the right girl to spend with the rest of our Life... so Goo luck to us :-) hehe

  14. #14
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Just have fun and enjoy each others company.....
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  15. #15
    Newbie (Restricted Access) barbel's Avatar
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    Firstly don't put yourself down!!.........He will also have many worries, you say you have chatted many times so you have lots to talk about in person.
    there must be a spark there, so relax!!!
    Bet within 15 mins you are both relaxed and the conversations and smiles just floods out!

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