Hi everyone, first id like too say how sorry I am for the situation in the Philipines, and I hope aid gets too all that need it.Our prayers are with every1 there.
As you already know my fiancé is now here on fiancé visa and as of last week we are now husband and wife!I am booking appointment in 2 weeks online for FLR part one, too go in person in January and get the result on the day, no circumstances have changed other than well be married so this should be an easy or automatic acceptance, as we still have all required documents and proof etc?

Secondly my more important question is, I brought up about travel for her before, once we have the flr and biometrics can my wife travel out of the uk back home to Cebu without any additional visas, as her passport will have the flr on it and shes visiting a country shes already a citizen of? As I know too go to Europe etc she has too get the schenzen visa or whatever its called.....but going home too Cebu for two weeks in march should be another matter and straight forward should it not?
Help and advice much appreciated as allways