What passport does your cousin hold? Please.
Is you cousin working ?
Does your cousin have adequate accommodation for you both?
What reasons cause you to be dependent upon your cousin?
Do you have any 'direct' family in the Philippines (mother, father, brothers,sisters etc)
Who is taking care of your needs?
Are you employed?
I just trying to establish the facts before giving an opinion
Thank you again for the response. He holds a spanish passport.
Yes, he is working. My parents got separated when I was a child. He supported me in college until I graduated. He is still supporting us until now. I have my brother, both of us are dependent on him. Without him, I don't know where we should be at. I am not employed.
I'm sure you already researched this but anyway here's what UKBA state:-
Here's some information from UKBA's website on Supporting documents for an EEA family permitOther relatives - including extended family members such as brothers, sisters and cousins - do not have an automatic right to live in the UK. To be considered, they must be able to show that they are dependent on you.
(click on the link to follow)
The important thing to understand here is that there is no application fee for an EEA family permit. It's completely free of charge.
You should carefully prepare ALL the documents needed from both you side and from your cousin's side. Make sure you FULLY comply with the requirement.
Your application will be closely scrutinised regarding your dependency on the EEA National.
Please understand that to meet regulations as a dependent extended family member your dependency will be interpreted as meaning that you need financial support from the EEA national in order to meet your essential needs
This is not interpreted as meaning to "have a certain level of income."
As long as you can prove that you would not be able to meet your essential living needs without the financial support of the EEA national you should be considered dependent on that national.
Now under these circumstances, it really doesn't matter that you also additionally receive financial support from other sources.
It's also not necessary for the UKBA to determine the reasons for your financial support provided by the EEA national
Remember to demonstrate that your dependency existed immediately before or very recently before the EEA national came to the UK and also that you are joining the EEA within a relatively short time after the UK arrival of the EEA National.
If you under 18 years of age you'll need written permission from your parents/guardians.
Here are some useful documents to review:-
Supporting Documents Guidance- EEA Family Permit
VAF5 Application Form - EEA Family Permit
VAF2-8B Guidance Notes
Good luck and hope you'll keep us informed as you progress
Is your brother also planning to apply for UK EEA Family Permit ??
How old is your brother?
Thank you so much for your reply.
Thank you for the information. How can we prove dependency to the EEA National? Please help me.
My brother and I are planning to appy for UK EEA Family Permit? Is it possible that the 2 of us may apply taking into consideration that the EEA National is our cousin?
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