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Thread: Getting married before my visa expires.

  1. #1
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    Getting married before my visa expires.

    Hello to everyone again. it's been a while since i visited here.

    I've been here in the UK since June 8,2013. I am a holder of fiancee visa with a six months duration. Me and my fiancee are planning to get married on the first of Oct, my problem is my visa will expire on the tenth of Oct. Will this affect my stay here in the Uk. Whats next after the ceremony..what do we need to apply next?

    Help guys!

  2. #2
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    You're taking quite some risk by cutting it so fine.

    You need to get fully prepared asap with your application for FLR(M) complete with all documents.
    Once married and you have some marriage certificates get the application mailed off to The Home Office.

    The Home Office MUST receive you application before your visa expires.

    If you really need more time you can seek an extension to your fiancee visa but you need to evidence GOOD reason why you need the extension and GOOD evidence when the marriage will take place. Don't rely on being granted though and push through with all plans to submit the FLR(M) immediately following the wedding. This should be considered a possible back-up only

  3. #3
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    Thank you for the info Terpe. I think i'm panicking now!
    Do we need to move the date of the wedding earlier? What will happen after we submit the FLR(M) after the wedding, since my visa will expire on the tenth?

    Will i be an illegal/overstayer if i dont have the extension of visa after the the wedding..assuming they will not receive my application before my visa expires?

    What should i do?

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gem12 View Post
    Thank you for the info Terpe. I think i'm panicking now!
    Do we need to move the date of the wedding earlier? What will happen after we submit the FLR(M) after the wedding, since my visa will expire on the tenth?

    Will i be an illegal/overstayer if i dont have the extension of visa after the the wedding..assuming they will not receive my application before my visa expires?

    What should i do?
    If you can move the wedding as early as possible then that would be better. It's less risky if you do it that way. You'll never know what problems might arise after the wedding day (documents not available, etc.). But if you can't move the date of the wedding, then make sure that you submit the FLR(M) application before your fiancee visa expires. I suggest that you gather all the documents required ASAP so that you only have to wait for the marriage cert (you'd get it on the day or your wedding) for your application.

    There are 2 ways you can apply for FLR(M), by post or by appointment in a PEO. If you choose to submit it by post, make sure that UKBA would be able to receive it before your fiancee visa expires. If you don't do this, then you would be considered an overstayer and risk being granted of FLR(M). If you choose to submit the application by PEO, I suggest you start checking for the available dates as early as possible and book it.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gem12 View Post
    Thank you for the info Terpe. I think i'm panicking now!
    Do we need to move the date of the wedding earlier? What will happen after we submit the FLR(M) after the wedding, since my visa will expire on the tenth?

    Will i be an illegal/overstayer if i dont have the extension of visa after the the wedding..assuming they will not receive my application before my visa expires?

    What should i do?
    If you can be sure to have the FLR(M) application on the desk of The Home Office BEFORE your visa expiry then you'll be OK
    Your immigration status will remain in place and fully legal whilst your application is reviewed. So put those worries out of your mind.

    You'll only be granted an extension to the fiancee visa if you evidence GOOD reasons. There really needs to be a good reason why you did not already get married.

    As everyone has said get that application done and dusted NOW and fully ready to submit in plenty of time.

    You both need to develop an urgent strategy to get married and submit the FLR(M) NOW

    Just out of curiosity why have you taken such a huge risk and left it so very late?

  6. #6
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    we are now reviewing, researching and gathering every documents we needed for the application. we have most of the documents already, since our application is straightforward we hope that there will be no more hassle until we have our marriage cert.

    we had decided to have the marriage late because we want to make sure this is what we really wanted. We want to experience living together for few months to make sure we are comfortable and compatible...and let the love grow stronger..

    ps..the marriage has already been booked on oct the 1st.

  7. #7
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    thanks Rayna for sharing this information. We are considering everything esp if we do need to move the wedding or wait till oct.

  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    When I got here, hubby and I didn't get married right away too..because he wanted me to experience life in the UK first. We got married 1.5 months before my fiancee visa expired. We gave ample time for everything to be prepared for the FLR(M) application. I submitted my application by post 3 weeks before my fiancee visa expired.

    I would personally advice you to consider having an earlier wedding date if possible. I've already heard lots of problems with only having a short time from submission of FLR(M) to fiancee visa expiration. One problem that I've heard is UKBA having problems taking the payment fee from the credit card/debit card of applicant/sponsor (either wrong card number or bank didn't allow the transaction, etc.). Some applicants have received a letter from UKBA informing them about it after their fiancee visa expired and this caused some problems when they have to resubmit details. Another is submitting a form which isn't the newest one. I'm not saying that it would happen to you but minimising such risks for refusals by submitting the FLR(M) application as soon as possible is the best thing.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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