Most of his posts have been in the same vein recently...the big 'I know it all' because I used to be a policeman'.

Anyone not noticing that would have to be either blind or stupid.

That's why I have him on ignore and can only see his posts when they've been quoted by others.

I'm a a light-hearted cheerful person 99% of the time and I certainly don't consider myself special or in kind of clique on this board (I hate that kind of stuff anyway), but yes, some of us do have strong views and opinions. If other members feel they've been snubbed or insulted, then they can complain to the mods. We're all grownups, and certainly I'd expect ex-policemen an example, to be made of pretty stern stuff, and to be able to cope with the literary hurly burly of an average forum.

All I was asking was for John not to come marching in with his 'innocent until proven guilty' proclamation like he was some judge with his little hammer.

Let's have a chat without trying to squash the views of others....however unpalatable they may seem.

There have been many times when I've been made to feel 'uncomfortable' too, but I'll be a man about it, even though that seems to be frowned upon in some quarters these days.

There are plenty of topics on the board for those of a more delicate constitution.