As an ex detective I tend to ‘take with a bit of salt’ explanations which amount to, ‘ I did not know ……..’ etc. However, before we all say they will get what they deserve: From the bits and pieces of news, I gather they were threatened in Peru, at one point with a gun to the head which may have been cocked, told their families would be harmed, (apparently the gang had information about their families) and were followed into the airport, and would have been followed on the flight, by members of the drugs gang.

If that were true, then they may not have been able to seek help as soon as they got to the airport, if they believed they were being followed, and I can’t believe any drugs gang would let such a quantity of drug leave their sight.

So the main question I would like to ask is, “How did they come to travel to Peru ? “ I think that explanation will give weight to whether they they were willing accomplices or victims.

For me the ‘jury is still out’.