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Thread: What a pair of stupid girls

  1. #31
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    These are young girls lacking life experiences.

    Yes, they have been very stupid to ever get involved at the outset.
    But once involved, groomed and manipulated they probably didn't know what to do.
    At this stage nothing is known about their decision making leading them to their current position.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I feel that there must be something genuine in their story, because clearly the Peruvian authorities are believing them. I wonder whether they cooperated from an early stage with the authorities. They look frightfully relaxed and comfortable during all of the TV footage which doesn't make any sense unless they are being treated very well.

    I know that Filipino seafarers get drawn into being drug mules on some of the South America-Europe liner trades, and serious threats are made to their families back home. I know someone who used to be an informant for the DEA in the US who told me a lot of stories about how bad these gangs actually are.
    They looked so relaxed because they think everyone has believed their well rehearsed "cock and bull" story

    I am sure that if you had spent the last few months in fear of your life and had guns pointed at your head you would not be gouging on cake and smiling like a Cheshire cat

    They hardly appeared to look like poor little victims to me

    South American drug cartels and cockney gentlemen in Ibiza dont need to force people to do this because there are enough idiots out there only willing to give it a go with £ signs in their eyes

  3. #33
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Spare a thought for all the poor people who would have been effected and addicted and ruined if this stuff had have made it into the UK
    I cant spare a thought for these "poor" people as they are weak minded IMO and the ones creating a a huge and lucrative demand and market for drug cartels.. These poor people have their own issues to deal with.. No one is forcing them to take drugs!!These girls just like most drug mules are guilty of being young and stupid.. Instead of arresting them,they should be used to help Police nail the cartels from the bottom up but they don't!! Perhaps in countries like Peru the Police are part of the cartels!!If you want to kill a weed you need to pull it out with its roots..They never do.Wonder why? I don't.. Its quite obvious to me.

  4. #34
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Wouldn't be so smug if they were facing the noose
    good job it was,nt china it would definitely be good night vienna .

  5. #35
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I cant spare a thought for these "poor" people as they are weak minded IMO and the ones creating a a huge and lucrative demand and market for drug cartels.. These poor people have their own issues to deal with.. No one is forcing them to take drugs!!These girls just like most drug mules are guilty of being young and stupid.. Instead of arresting them,they should be used to help Police nail the cartels from the bottom up but they don't!! Perhaps in countries like Peru the Police are part of the cartels!!If you want to kill a weed you need to pull it out with its roots..They never do.Wonder why? I don't.. Its quite obvious to me.
    Interesting comment Fred!

  6. #36
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I think the cops do try and catch the leaders of these gangs, but they're smart enough to make it nearly impossible for them to be caught and convicted of anything, as they get others to do their dirty work, unless caught red handed.


  7. #37
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    First Sergeant Alberto Arian Barrilla who heads up the Ibiza crime unit responsible for fighting organised crime on the island: "in my experience, i dont think these two girls were forced to do this because - particulary when you go to South America - you need to pass several controls"

    I would imagine this guy knows what he is talking about...........

  8. #38
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Interesting comment Fred!
    Thanks Michael..They always seem to remember to display the drug haul and the dumb mules and then forget to condemn,capture and demonise the dealers and cartels!! DOH!!!

  9. #39
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    No sympathy from me. They knew what they were getting into..they thought it was going to be an easy buck..If the papers are to be believed, only one out of every ten mules get caught on that run plus the girls were buoyed up by stories of people having successfully done it, partying away.
    I feel for their hard working parents. Parents who will now be spending the rest of their days holidaying in Peru..I bet they didn't see that coming

  10. #40
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Mario Ramirez-Trevino, Mexico's Gulf Cartel leader, in custody, law enforcement sources say

    A top drug cartel figure wanted by the U.S. government since 2008 was arrested Saturday in Mexico, CBS News reports.

    Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that Mario Ramirez-Trevino, also known as Mario Pelon, was captured Saturday morning by Mexican authorities. Ramirez-Trevino is the head of Mexico's Gulf Cartel.

    read more here ..

  11. #41
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Thanks Micheal..They always seem to remember to display the drug haul and the dumb mules and then forget to condemn,capture and demonise the dealers and cartels!! DOH!!!
    Too true Fred!

  12. #42
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Probably because I have 2 daughters around the same age I'm a little soft on this one. These girls have been very stupid but sometimes people deserve a chance. Provided they supply all the details of their contacts to the police I'd be inclined to give them 6 months in a hell hole of a prison and send them back to mum and dad. I'm sure a lesson will have been learnt.

  13. #43
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    My motto is you live by the sword you die by the sword.

    I have seen friends of mine who have had there lives ruined by drugs and families destroyed by this filth.

    I have every sympathy for the families of these girls but a price has to be paid and now at least thats another stash of drugs not heading towards our kids.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    My motto is you live by the sword you die by the sword.

    I have seen friends of mine who have had there lives ruined by drugs and families destroyed by this filth.

    I have every sympathy for the families of these girls but a price has to be paid and now at least thats another stash of drugs not heading towards our kids.
    Although I can see Marco's point of view. .I too have a son who got involved in the rave scene in the 90s. .he was lucky, he didn't have to addictive gene. .a couple of his friends weren't so lucky. As parents, we were powerless so I can sympathise.

    Mark is right. .These bright intelligent girls knew exactly what they were getting involved in. ..death and misery of hundreds of families had their drug haul made it to the dealers.

    A message must be sent here. .Peru are doing the right thing. ..not much we can do with the untouchable cartels I'm afraid. .fingers in too many pies, governments included as was correctly implied here.

    It's got to be made uncool to be a mule!

  15. #45
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    My motto is you live by the sword you die by the sword.

    I have seen friends of mine who have had there lives ruined by drugs and families destroyed by this filth.

    I have every sympathy for the families of these girls but a price has to be paid and now at least thats another stash of drugs not heading towards our kids.

    my younger brother was a drug addict for more than 20yrs, it destroyed him and my family, one of the worse days in my life was having to go and identify his dead body, something i wouldn't wish on anyone

    if they are guilty 20yrs each, if not they still were prepared to try and smuggle the drugs and they should spend time in prison.

  16. #46
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    Hang on guys.

    The people who supply the drugs of course need to be dealt with, but without the users they would not exist. Bit like blaming the householder because his house gets burgled, or the girl who got raped, as being to blame.

    I really am amazed at the number of ‘crystal ball readers’ here who have already decided the women (not girls) are guilty. They may be or they may not be.

    Following the line of those who believe they are guilty, maybe they would argue that in UK we do without a trial, if a person is arrested then they are guilty, just sentence them.

    But then I suspect that many of the same guys, are also of the opinion the police lie (as they did of course when they got nicked for speeding !! ) so you can’t trust them.

    No, lets stick with innocent until proven guilty.

  17. #47
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Hang on guys.

    The people who supply the drugs of course need to be dealt with, but without the users they would not exist. Bit like blaming the householder because his house gets burgled, or the girl who got raped, as being to blame.

    I really am amazed at the number of ‘crystal ball readers’ here who have already decided the women (not girls) are guilty. They may be or they may not be.

    Following the line of those who believe they are guilty, maybe they would argue that in UK we do without a trial, if a person is arrested then they are guilty, just sentence them.

    But then I suspect that many of the same guys, are also of the opinion the police lie (as they did of course when they got nicked for speeding !! ) so you can’t trust them.

    No, lets stick with innocent until proven guilty.

    but without drugs there would be no drug addicts, we do have drug addicts because they had access to drugs, it makes sense if my brother didn't have access to drugs he wouldn't have been an addict.

    they were caught trying to smuggle £1.5m worth of cocaine, they are not denying that.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Hang on guys.

    The people who supply the drugs of course need to be dealt with, but without the users they would not exist. Bit like blaming the householder because his house gets burgled, or the girl who got raped, as being to blame.

    I really am amazed at the number of ‘crystal ball readers’ here who have already decided the women (not girls) are guilty. They may be or they may not be.

    Following the line of those who believe they are guilty, maybe they would argue that in UK we do without a trial, if a person is arrested then they are guilty, just sentence them.

    But then I suspect that many of the same guys, are also of the opinion the police lie (as they did of course when they got nicked for speeding !! ) so you can’t trust them.

    No, lets stick with innocent until proven guilty.
    Why must you be so pedantic, arrogant and miserable ?

    It's a DISCUSSION, open to all.

    Our views here are not going to hang anybody, but we are just as entitled to express them as you are to try to close everyone else down by either wading in with your big (ex) policeman's truncheon, or by putting words and opinions into other contributors' mouths....even concerning totally unrelated matters.

    There are people on this forum who have been and perhaps are still personally affected by the drugs trade.

    Let's hear what they have to say.

  19. #49
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Peru drug arrests: Pal of Melissa Reid reveals the alleged drugs mule held cocaine parties in Ibiza after 'getting into wrong crowd'

    THE girl who does not want to be named, decided to return home early after she claimed Melissa was up all night partying and taking drugs.


    A taxi driver in Lima told how he chauffeured the two girls on shopping trips in the Peruvian capital where they appeared to be “carefree” rather than under pressure from drug pushers.

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    but your right innocent until proven guilty.

  20. #50
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    It doesn't add up. Why would a gang go to the trouble of 'kidnapping' these girls to transport drugs when there's plenty of willing mules to do it anyhow?

    And all this 'gunpoint' nonsense. Were they marched through the airport with a gun to their head? Don't think so. They could have easily dumped the drugs down the toilets before boarding the plane.

  21. #51
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    Maybe it was the threats to their family ?

  22. #52
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    Our views here are not going to hang anybody, but we are just as entitled to express them as you are to try to close everyone else down by either wading in with your big (ex) policeman's truncheon,

    Sorry guys, it seems although Graham thinks, correctly, that everyone should have a view, that does not apply to me because I am a former police officer and I am saying that everyone has a right to have their explanation of events considered when they are accused of a crime. And that they have the right to considered innocent until proven otherwise.

    It's a DISCUSSION, open to all.
    Seems it is not.

  23. #53
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Hang on guys.

    The people who supply the drugs of course need to be dealt with, but without the users they would not exist. Bit like blaming the householder because his house gets burgled, or the girl who got raped, as being to blame.
    Maybe you could explain this analogy to me

    To draw parallels are you saying that a householder pays someone to rob their house? Or maybe without houses then burglars wouldn't exist, or without women then rapists wouldn't exist. Maybe without crime then the police force wouldn't exist

  24. #54
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Maybe it was the threats to their family ?
    If they bottled it just before they were to fly back from Peru, I can believe that.

  25. #55
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Maybe it was the threats to their family ?
    A taxi driver in Lima told how he chauffeured the two girls on shopping trips in the Peruvian capital where they appeared to be “carefree” rather than under pressure from drug pushers.

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  26. #56
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    The company they were keeping doesn't help their case either.

    Every parents' nightmare ?


  27. #57
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    They knew what they were doing. It just goes to show you can bring kids up properly and advise them but sooner or later they will make their own minds up and make mistakes.

  28. #58
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    We have all learned more things from the mistakes we've made I'm sure!

  29. #59
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    We have all learned more things from the mistakes we've made I'm sure!
    not many of us would even think of, never mind trying to smuggling drugs thou, that's one major mistake

  30. #60
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    Yes, murder is a learning process too. They don't always die after the first hammer blow.

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