If they could help Police with their inquiries and that leads to the arrest of the suppliers then they should be allowed to finish their sentences safely in the UK..
This will not happen of course as the local police have already been paid handsomely!
Nice work if you can get it!
I do not know how the legal process works in Peru, but if that happened in UK it would be an indication that the prosecution, and or the judge, were doubtful that they were in fact guilty.
In UK if a person pleads guilty but in their mitigation they say anything which amounts to a doubt that they are are in fact guilty, for example if they said they were forced to commit the crime, their plea would be changed to Not Guilty.
I am not saying what the situation is in Peru as I am not in possession of the full facts, just those 'bits and pieces' I have read in the newspapers, (newspapers who are trying to sell more newspapers!)
However, not in this case! The judge wants a proper confession not a half hearted one.
PERUVIAN prosecutors have rejected the guilty pleas of a Scottish woman and her co-accused caught trying to smuggle £1.5 million of cocaine to Spain.
Thursday 26/09/2013
Prosecutor Juan Rosas said that he will ask for a new hearing to give Melissa Reid, 20, of Lenzie in East Dunbartonshire and Michaella McCollum, 20, from Dungannon, Co Tyrone, the chance to offer a more complete confession.
Mr Rosas said that the women have not accepted full responsibility for the charges against them.
The women pleaded guilty to drug trafficking charges behind closed doors in a Lima court on Tuesday night.
They expected to face six years and eight months in prison without possibility of parole when sentenced next week.
Sources said the women had taken full responsibility for the drug trafficking.
But both women, who had been working in Ibiza, previously claimed they were forced to carry drugs by Colombian drug lords who kidnapped them at gunpoint.
Now prosecutor Mr Rosas said they need to explain why they initially claimed they were coerced by a gang of armed men.
He said: "A new statement is required by the women and they will have to admit not only that they came here to traffic drugs but also that they did not tell the truth with respect to them being kidnapped, they have to make a full admission of responsibility for all of the charges brought by the prosecution."
The prosecution maintains that McCollum and Reid made up a story about being kidnapped and threatened into attempt to smuggle the drugs, weighing 24lb, out of Peru on August 6.
Mr Rosas added: "If they continue to maintain this incredible version of events then the prosecution is not going to accept them taking advantage of a quick conclusion of proceedings."
Reid previously said she was planning to plead guilty in a bid to get home as soon as possible.
She is reported to have said: "I am really scared about what I am about to do but I am also relieved that there could be a light at the end of the tunnel.
"After a lot of thought and advice from my lawyer I am going to go in front of the judge and admit I was in possession of the drugs and that I went to Peru to pick up drugs to take to Spain.
"I did it under duress, and I am glad I do not have to say I accepted money to do it."
Their lawyer Meyer Fishman said he could not comment until they were sentenced.
According to Peru's national prisons institute, 90% of the 1,648 foreigners in the country's prisons are either sentenced or awaiting trial for drug trafficking.
they must have had many chances to dump the drugs and run, threats about hurting their family i dont believe, have there ever been any case of this happening in the press? .
only them selfs to blame, if it was me i would have dumped the drugs down the toilet and got on the plane back home.
From your post your are in effect accepting their story that they were coerced. That being so, do you really think you would still have been alive to get on a plane ? Drug syndicates cannot 'allow' people to make fools of them.Originally Posted by joebloggs;459216
If the women were threatened then maybe that is why, they appear, not to be identifying the gang.
no i dont believe them, dont you think the drug cartels have a better chance of success if the mule is doing it for money rather than threatening someone to do it ? , which is better the carrot or the stick
so your telling me once they were in the airport with security and CCTV you think they were threatening them, why is there no CCTV of this then ?
from the pics i've seen in the press it looks like they were having a good time
what if they were doing it for money, if people they met in spain had done it and got away with it, maybe they were told they have little chance of getting caught, and if they did just say they were forced into doing it, but from the press stories i've seen they is no evidence they were forced in to doing it, but then we dont know the whole story or the facts.
well have you ever read in the press about drug mules been forced into doing it ? the only time you do is when their caught, i cant ever recall reading a news story about someone being forced into doing who went to the cops instead, why ?
maybe it doesn't happen or is rare, why would they risk threratening them or their families, when they can move on to the next mule![]()
Here's a scenario:-
Dealer- want something to make you feel good?
Girl- err no, I don't do that stuff
D- go on everyone does it here
G- Oh ok
D- here have a free sample
Next day
G- got any more
D- sure it's only x amount
Next month
G- I really want some but I'm skint
D- No worries, pay me next week
D- You owe me X how are you going to pay
G- what, that much? I haven't got it
D- well you could sell some to your friends to pay off your debts
G- ok
Girl now becomes the dealer, but samples the goods
Dealer now tells girl that she now owes shed loads but there is a fool proof way of paying your debts and earning a bit for yourself. Hey you even get an all expenses holiday out of it.
I think we're getting into the realms of fantasy a bit. I can't imagine South American drug cartels ordering a hit on a couple of young girls who they were using as drug mules and who got caught.
The girls have absolutely nothing to tell that the authorities don't already know.
We got persuaded by some bloke in Ibiza called Enrique to fly to Peru and pick up some gear for 10 grand. We were told to meet some bloke called Carlos who would sort us out. Carlos put the stuff in our bag and took us back to the airport.
There is no way that these pair of idiots got to meet anybody high level and for that reason they're not worth killing.
So why is it the judge wants more info than they've already given?. ...1.5 million is a lot of money to me. ..I sure wouldn't be giving it up that quickly, if it were my money.
They will be setting an example to the other wannabes, if you mess up and dob us in their will be serious consequences.
Anywayslet's wait and see what next Tuesday brings
Most of us on here, like Ded are good decent law abiding citizens who likes to see justice being done, fair and square.
LM rightly said, what would of happened if they'd got away with it got to the streets.
I say countless thousands of lives would of been ruined all because of a selfish act of greed.
I don't think for one moment they were addicted themselves. They certainly didn't show any signs...and I'm sure the press wld of picked up on it if they were.
just watched this, none of the ones caught claim to have been forced into doing it, all of them did it for the money![]()
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