A lot of us obtained our "high moral principles" from being brought up in the christian faith whether we liked it or not. Lessons at school started with the whole school saying a prayer and singing hymms. For me this took up the first 15 years of my life and at the age of 13 i was also in a church choir and the local church youth club.
Later i turned my back on all that BUT i still live my life by those moral principles. At that early stage in my life i didn't even think about it and i believe thats probably whats wrong with kids of today in that they don't have those principles drummed into them as there is no daily prayer or hymms etc.
I for one don't think your missing out because you dont have faith in something or a guiding light as clearly you have found your own faith and guiding light is enough. For me , most of the time i could say the same BUT when i lost my wife that faith and my own guidance wasn't quite enough. I didn't turn to religion though but sought counselling which fortunately was effective.
What i did say was that i find others faith in GOD worthwhile AND i am sometimes envious of that, reason being is i am constantly asking myself if there is a GOD. I would LIKE to think so. Difficult subject!