Hi Guys,
I posted another thread last year about a case where a filipina who successfully got an annulment, within six months, and never actually went to court ( well never left the Uk!) was all done, successful, within six months.
Now, her friend (my GF) has done the same, and is just now waiting for the last few formalities to be sorted out ( ie I assume things at the NSO). The girls come from the same place by the way, so I think same court, lawyer etc)
A long term pinay friend of mine was very sceptical when I mentioned this, suggested that there could have been something very dodgy taken place ( I don't think she just means the "contributions" to the judges holiday funds!)
A few years ago I know there was a case of fake court papers being submitted, judges signatures being forged etc.
I'm just hoping everything is okay and legit ( apart from the "usual" brown envelopes lol) and nothing has been done that will return and bite someone in the Butt
Wondered what others take on this.
Thanks in Advance Guys for those who can reply