we have been talking about what to do when we get married in Philippines next June/July....

We have decided on two options, the obvious one which is get married when I am out there for 6 weeks, then go home leaving her there but set the ball rolling on a spouse visa for her to come here ASAP.

Second one, is a 6 month tourist visa, not sure if it is allowed seeing we will be married? Can't see why not though. This way it will look better on the spouse visa application as we would have been living together for 6 months and they can see it's not a sham. Then obviously she goes home after 6 months and then hopefully will be back here ASAP.

Currently we are leaning toward the second option even though I will have to find the cost of flights again 6 months later...

While I'm here, another question. She is saying she cant come straight after we get married as she has to wait for her passport to be changed over to her newly married name.... Surely this cant be right as I know in this country people go on honeymoon straight after they marry without a problem.....