Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
Hi Rosie, my name is Rose . Thanks for the message. One of the good things about this development is the big front and back garden. Trefor at the moment is busy at the back digging the areas opposite the family room and dinning room to extend the patio for garden table. Shed is already in place and later on a pergola will be built by my brother-in-law. The middle part will be lawn and edges are flower bed. I have few flowers planted on the pot for the side walls. Our front so far is lawn, varieties of flowers on pots beside the entrance door, box hedging and a climbing rose at the side wall near the garage. More digging and planting to go!
That sounds wonderful Rose! Sending you the very best of luck with your garden, please do post a photograph when it's eventually finished as I am sure that others will be interested to see it too