Atheists more intelligent than religious people ?
Let's try not to fall out.
Atheists more intelligent than religious people ?
Let's try not to fall out.
Another deeply flawed 'crackpot' study that purports to be scientifically based, but uses the most narrow definition of intelligence and the widest possible definition of atheist that even a co-author doubts it's validity.
Besides which, God doesn't believe in atheists, so therefore atheists don't exist.![]()
Yes but I'm an Atheist, so it MUST be true !![]()
Maybe the study is an attempt to highlight some degree of correlation between levels of subconscious self-dependency at the higher levels of religious belief and those at lower levels of religious belief.![]()
I just went to church every Sunday for 16 years, read Darwin, studied Religious Education in school, and then decided it was a load of![]()
atheists versus theists--? a pointless debate---they speak different languages. neither understands the other.
Having being brought up religiously as a kid I believed in God (as you do) but after being in the big bad world for several years I kinda changed my beliefs. I'm 100% certain that someone or something is looking over me but I'm more inclined to believe it's a guardian angel than a God because if there was a God, why so much suffering in the world?
As for the topic in question it's a stupid comparison if you ask me. It's a bit like saying people in Nottingham are more intelligent than people in Leeds.
I'm sure most people who say they're atheists don't really know if they are or not.
Darwin stated he was not an atheist. He was pretty smart
And Professor Richard Dawkins also states he is not an atheist as does Professor Stephen Hawking. Both very smart.
I'm still an Atheist folks...and 100% SURE, with no suicidal tendencies. The worms will just have to wait a while longer before they eat up this particular bundle of chemicals and electricity.![]()
Totally agree Arthur. I agree with your initial and subsequent posts here as well Terpe. Honestly, you can't believe what these papers print. the Mail today it states if you drink more than 4 coffees a day you are putting your life at peril. The papers here are becoming a joke just like the papers in America in the 80's.
It's interesting. I follow Richard Dawkins on Twitter and this was provoking plenty of debate.
Despite Terpe's views, this was not a single study, but a meta analysis of many studies. However, it's right to be cautious before drawing conclusions.
A more interesting statistic would be how many members of the Royal Society are religious, or how many Nobel science prizes have been won by religious people.
Well I will have to really mix this up as I am a Spiritualist but it would take forever to explain my reasons why and debate this but I suppose everyone to there own..![]()
Religion is the biggest money making con ever devised by man.
wow, well who am i , thats it i have it, i am a Englishman just living his life the best he can trying not to bother anyone, thats who i am![]()
First i agree the study is a load of nonsense, there can be no correlation between the two.
On the subject of is there a God, its my belief there is although i am not religious....However after watching my first wife suffer slowly from being ill with cancer then ending up dead, it really shakes ones faith in anything.
Going to the Philippines, observing the people there and their faith in GOD has made me believe how worthwhile it is having faith in something, particularly when all else fails as is often the case in some areas of the Philippines (i am talking disasters etc).
Since my wife has been here i have been attending, on occasion, church( a catholic church) although i am C of E. I must say i have found this quite enjoyable although some parts of the services are still a complete mystery.
I can believe that atheists could be more prone to committing suicide and for me really the jury is still out on whether there is a GOD. I like to think there is and am sometimes envious of peoples unshakeable faith in GOD. Having that belief IMHO and faith can only be good. Can you say the same for Atheism?
I have no wish to commit suicide as I have everything to live for, but, I am one of those people who won't believe unless I see it!![]()
I find it amusing/slightly irritating that other people should think that I (and other Atheists) are somehow missing out on because we don't have 'faith' in SOMETHING....some guiding light in our lives.
Inspiration comes from many sources, and high moral principlesneed not be the sole preserve of churchgoers and the religious
...though I am grateful for having learned a lot of mine at Sunday School,
for some of us it was time to move on and to leave the fairy tales behind.
Have faith in YOURSELF.
A lot of us obtained our "high moral principles" from being brought up in the christian faith whether we liked it or not. Lessons at school started with the whole school saying a prayer and singing hymms. For me this took up the first 15 years of my life and at the age of 13 i was also in a church choir and the local church youth club.
Later i turned my back on all that BUT i still live my life by those moral principles. At that early stage in my life i didn't even think about it and i believe thats probably whats wrong with kids of today in that they don't have those principles drummed into them as there is no daily prayer or hymms etc.
I for one don't think your missing out because you dont have faith in something or a guiding light as clearly you have found your own faith and guiding light is enough. For me , most of the time i could say the same BUT when i lost my wife that faith and my own guidance wasn't quite enough. I didn't turn to religion though but sought counselling which fortunately was effective.
What i did say was that i find others faith in GOD worthwhile AND i am sometimes envious of that, reason being is i am constantly asking myself if there is a GOD. I would LIKE to think so. Difficult subject!
Many are lost when puberty hits. The understanding we have of God's word by then has hardly touched the surface.
'Lost' to what ?
The next class in the brainwashing process ?
Nope, some of us have just absorbed the good (morals/10 commandments) stuff and then with our maturing brains are able to break free from the grasp of power-hungry priests and the rest of the religious man-in-the-clouds nonsense, to step out into the fresh unpolluted air of mental freedom and REALITY.
I refuse to be CONTROLLED by concepts and irrational fears from the dark ages..even though that also removes the comfort blanket of prayer, blessings , and 'miracles'.
lordna, I understand exactly what you're saying.![]()
''maturing brains'' I'm still getting a vibe here that atheism is coupled with higher intelligence
I'm talking about the engine, God Not the engine driver ''power hungry priests''
We don't get any of that business at our local Methodist Chapel. .a nice relaxing approachable environment.
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