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Thread: Eastbourne bride kept apart from husband by visa red tape

  1. #1
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    Eastbourne bride kept apart from husband by visa red tape

    Two newlyweds have been torn apart because of strict immigration rules.

    The pair has been forced to live apart for the past 11 months because they do not meet the £18,600 income threshold to obtain a visa.

    Norah Stewart, of New Langney Court, Eastbourne, met her husband, Mouhamed Moulahi, in Tunisia in May 2010 and the couple were married in a religious ceremony in January 2011.

    But despite her full-time position as a beauty consultant for Boots, Mrs Stewart does not earn enough to meet the requirements for her husband’s visa application.

    Distraught She said: “I work six days a week, I still have to support my two youngest children. What more can I do?

    “I’m a hard worker, I work to support my family and have always worked – I’ve never relied on benefits.”

    The pair applied for a visitor’s visa for Mr Moulahi to come to the UK but it was refused.

    The couple then applied for a settlement visa in October, just before Mrs Stewart was planning on returning to England for the birth of her grandchild.

    However, the visa was refused again and his distraught wife found out a couple of weeks ago that the appeal had also been unsuccessful.

    Mrs Stewart said: “I can’t take another 11 months of not living with my husband. I feel like I could break down, it takes all my strength to keep it together.”

    The mother-of-four was last able to visit her husband in February but peak holiday season means flights currently cost around £600, meaning it will be months before she is able to fly out for a visit.

    She is currently waiting for a court date to provide evidence to her home and family life, which could also take several months.

    She added: “When I phone the courts they say they can’t be sure and it could take months. What more evidence do they need?

    “I have four children, three grandchildren, Mouhamed and I lived in Tunisia together for nine months and we talk everyday on Skype or by phone.

    “The system just seems to want to delay everything – they are stopping people from living their lives together.”

    I'm sure Tunisia's a nice place why doesn't she go and live there ?

    There's her 4 children and 2 grandchildren to consider but Tunisia will have a generous benefits system

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your all heart dedworth

    she works 6 days a week and doesn't get paid £18k6

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    your all heart dedworth

    she works 6 days a week and doesn't get paid £18k6
    No, it's only £15,400 Joe!

  4. #4
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    Rules is rules.

    Going to be harder for the Tunisian waiters to give old women the blather and get themselves into the country.

    I suppose it's no different to what the cynics like to say about us and our 'mail order brides' .

  5. #5
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Yes the Government is getting quite strict now after whats happened.Seems we are hearing just about every day about officers busting some business or gate crashing some false wedding.What I am wondering is were they still doing that before and its just we never heard about it or is it they have decided to act more proactively and trying to get the people on their side by publicising it in the media now??

  6. #6
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    Labour didn't care before, and they wanted the voters.

    I would also say that yes, the present bunch of clowns...I mean, government, are wanting to make it appear as if they're getting on top of the job...albeit about 40 years too late, in the vain hope of placating the majority population of this country.

  7. #7
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Labour didn't care before, and they wanted the voters.

    I would also say that yes, the present bunch of clowns...I mean, government, are wanting to make it appear as if they're getting on top of the job...albeit about 40 years too late, in the vain hope of placating the majority population of this country.
    Oh well instead of having to beat just the poles to a job interview now I suppose it's going to be the Poles AND the Romanians.I cringe at the thought

  8. #8
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    Oh you can be sure of that.

    Minorities of any sort are put to the front of all queues now.

    Oh well, at least it benefits our partners and kids.

  9. #9
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Whilst living in Scotland and this is no word of a lie....I was on the housing list for 6 years without successfully getting a 1 bedroom council flat.I was born there,brought up there and paid my taxes there.Imagine my surprise when 5 polish workers who came to the company I worked for each got a council flat within 1 year of arriving and then proceeded to bring their families over and therefore also get bigger flats.It beats me.....

  10. #10
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Alas the rules are the rules.
    Judging by the readers comments she's not getting a lot of sympathy from the locals

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbie bobby View Post
    Whilst living in Scotland and this is no word of a lie....I was on the housing list for 6 years without successfully getting a 1 bedroom council flat.I was born there,brought up there and paid my taxes there.Imagine my surprise when 5 polish workers who came to the company I worked for each got a council flat within 1 year of arriving and then proceeded to bring their families over and therefore also get bigger flats.It beats me.....
    It's happening everywhere. That's why people are getting so angry about it.

    I have lived in this city for 46 years and I have nooooo chance of getting a council flat, let alone a house.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    your all heart dedworth

    she works 6 days a week and doesn't get paid £18k6
    She should of worked that out in the first place instead of filling her partner full of false promise then have the barefaced cheek to blame the goverment for their predicament

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    I have lived in this city for 46 years and I have nooooo chance of getting a council flat, let alone a house.
    Likewise ... I'll have lived in Perth for 46 years come December ... forty~five of those in the same house! ... tempus fugit!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    .....Norah Stewart, of New Langney Court, Eastbourne, met her husband, Mouhamed Moulahi, in Tunisia in May 2010 and the couple were married in a religious ceremony in January 2011...
    Maybe I missed something here, but the 'new rules' were implemented in July 2012.
    Why didn't they apply before then, just after their wedding.
    Why wait all that time (18 months) before making the application

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