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Thread: The Visa application process

  1. #1
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    The Visa application process

    Hi again.
    Well the time will soon come for Angeline to process her VISA so I have been looking at the UKBA VFS and want to clarify the things I have noted down.

    A) From 1 May 2012 the UK Border Agency in the Philippines is introducing a priority visa service.
    The priority visa service is available to customers who pay an additional fee of PHP 5,400 to have their visa application placed at the front of the queue. Under normal circumstances, a priority service visa application will be processed within 2-3 working days.
    QUESTION: Does this really speed things up or is just a money spinner?I mean they say Visa takes up 3 months, would paying the 5,400PHP really cut the waiting time down?

    B) Prime time appointment service – This service is presently offered in Manila only
    From 03 June 2013, Primetime Appointment Service shall be open from Monday to Thursday between 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM. This service allows applicants, who pay an additional fee; to lodge their applications beyond the normal processing hours i.e. Monday – Friday (8.00 AM – 2.00 PM)
    QUESTION: Again has any one used this? Should I ask my wife to add this payment?

    C) VIP premium lounge service

    The VIP premium service lounge is now available at the visa application centre. The service includes:
    No queuing Comfort and privacy Personalised attention and service during the submission and biometric process Free refreshments and snacks Free and complimentary 'Visit Britain' information pack Free Courier pass-back Free Photocopy (maximum of 50 pages) Free Passport-sized photo (if required)Free SMS & Email Alerts

    Premium lounge service fee: PHP 2,000 inclusive of 12% VAT for each visa applicant.
    QUESTION: Again any views on this service? Any one used it?

    D) Please submit original documents with one photocopy of each document. Your original documents will be returned after the final decision has been made by the UK Border Agency.

    We dont need every page of the VISA application returned, they are just print screens etc. We have copied ALL important documents; Letters; Pay slips; Bank Statements; cards; etc so that these original letters sentimental etc can be returned. .
    Is this Ok?

    E) What is the process when she applies online?
    Do they give her a set time to appear in Manila or just turn up and line up?
    How many days must she wait say in October if she applies then?

    F) How does the VISA payment work? Does the big fee £950 or so get paid on this VFS online appointment service or via another site?

    Basically can anyone give us a step by step how to process this?

    As regards documents. We have put tags on each section with month on it and also for each other majoy fields; ie Letters; emails; finantial; accomadation; and so on, so it makes it easy for them to find things. Our important originals of items we want to keep are in another folder.

    Many thanks
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  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    A. I believe this priority visa service is offered for non-settlement visas.

    B & C. I would advice you to just avail the VIP service. No need to avail that primetime service. It's just for someone who doesn't like going in the mornings or to cater for someone who would go after office hours. VIP service is very good in my opinion. I availed that when I submitted my application for my fiancee visa. Just make sure to tell VFS that you want to avail the VIP service when you book the appointment. VIP service will be paid in cash when your wife submits her application & documents in VFS.

    D. The application forms need not to be duplicated. Make two sets of all your documents, one all originals and one all duplicates/photocopies.

    E & F. She needs to fill up the form online and then print it out. Here is the link Payment will be made before her online application would be completed (I believe, others would correct me about it.). She doesn't have to go to another website to do the payment. I think payment would be reflected in US dollars. Regarding appointment in VFS, others are suggesting to make an appointment even before you do the online application. So contact VFS to make the appointment, whether call or email them

    Make sure all the documents are complete, i.e. English test, TB clearance certificate, visa payment receipt/confirmation, etc.

    Have a go through on this here..
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  3. #3
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Hi again you said =D. The application forms need not to be duplicated. Make two sets of all your documents, one all originals and one all duplicates/photocopies.=

    Is this a UKBA requirement that EVERY single document MUST be copied?
    I know we need to do so for every important document, but for the rest to? I say this because the rest is just print screens and skype logs etc.

    We don't want that back just the important ones. We have 100s of pages!

    Please can you confirm this .
    Many thanks

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songz777 View Post
    Hi again you said =D. The application forms need not to be duplicated. Make two sets of all your documents, one all originals and one all duplicates/photocopies.=

    Is this a UKBA requirement that EVERY single document MUST be copied?
    I know we need to do so for every important document, but for the rest to? I say this because the rest is just print screens and skype logs etc.

    We don't want that back just the important ones. We have 100s of pages!

    Please can you confirm this .
    Many thanks

    It doesn't matter if they are just logs and screen prints. It is stated in that last link I gave you above about duplicates. Anyway, it's up to you if you would choose not to duplicate the ones you mentioned.
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  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access) CjI's Avatar
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    Hi, i just read your post and i hope i can help. I just got here in the UK on july 26th, under a spouse visa.

    C) I used the VIP and paid 2,000 pesos for it. It is well worth it, as they will pretty much walk you through the whole process. Will give you a list of requirements needed for the visa application. Also, you don't have to worry about making copies of all your documents. Making copies of you're documents will be included in the vip service.

    D) like i said.. no need to make copies if you're docs, if you're doing the vip service. (but be sure to make a copy of your driver's license and you're passport). As it is one of the requirements. You're partner will be submitting all of the documents needed with her original passport. It will then be returned with a british stamped visa.

    F) Application fee of $950 will be paid online. Not to vfs but directly to the ukba. I paid mine after i've completed pretty much all of my requirements. As this was the quickest one, out of all the requirements

    E) don't even bother. Once shes late... She's gonna have to resched for an appointment online and wait again. Or she will be given an option to do the vip service. I was late twice and decided to go for the vip service. You won't pay the 2000 pesos until you're ready for submission. Meaning, if you go there and took the vip service with incomplete requirements... They won't charge you. You will only pay the service fee, once you're ready for submission

  6. #6
    Respected Member MissDi's Avatar
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    hello Songz777! goodluck with ur application. i agree with what Raynaputi said. i used the VIP service too when i applied for visa just last April, it will save ur wife much hassle if she get this. i saved much more time and hassle when i did.

    for the other documents like email and chats. i had loads. lol my husband insisted to have a copy but we got nearly thousand pages i think. lol we even called to clarify, coz i keep insisting to husband its ridiculous if they want them copied. lol anyway, we submitted only one copy for these, we also didnt duplicate personal cards, flight tickets, hotel bookings etc. too. everything will be given back to her once application done and she collects it.

    for payment, once u fill in the Visa Application online, you will only be able to print it out once payment is done too online. So what we did, my husband printed the application for me coz he also was the one who paid it with his card. he then sent it to me to sign it ( together with all the docs he needed to post me)

    then i rang the Visa Application center for the appointment, informed them i want the VIP appointment svc,they then sent email confirmation of the apppintment, went there to submit the application (we had loads of documents theyre heavy i needed to ask my brother to come with me. using VIP appointment svc can allow ur wife to bring somebody with her inside. it eased my nervousness being with my bro thanks they did allow) and paid VIP appointment svc there.

    there, i hope i explained well and didnt confuse u. lol just ask if u have questions. goodluck to both of u

  7. #7
    Respected Member aprilovez's Avatar
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    i used vip appointment too and i only stayed 15 min inside the vfs ...
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  8. #8
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Thank you all very much for your advice
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  9. #9
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    QuestionS: > BOOKING the VISA via VFS.

    Is this correct: ???

    My wife goes on line to the VFS > Select SCHEDULE an APPOINTMENT > Drop down menu Select MANILA > Drob Down Menu select PRIME TIME APPPOINTMENT.
    Fill in the details .

    Then click on Additional Services > Select The PRIME TIME SERVICE ( 2100PHP ) > then Click on link to BOOKING PROCEDURE email them your request for an appointment >

    Once you have Scheduled your VIP premium lounge service appointment you will receive an email confirming the date and time of your appointment. Please print the VIP premium lounge service appointment confirmation and bring it with you on the date of your appointment.


    Also am I correct to think:
    1. Make appointment VFS & pay for application at the same time & Print out the Application Form of which my wife must sign.
    2. Then she sends email or call to VFS Prime time appointment for the time & date.
    3. What is GWF Number ?

    Basically I am trying to get my head around the order of events for my wife, so any advise would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks again.

    John & Angeline
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  10. #10
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    When you apply online john you will get the GWF number then you can get you vfs appointment.

  11. #11
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    A) From 1 May 2012 the UK Border Agency in the Philippines is introducing a priority visa service.
    The priority visa service is available to customers who pay an additional fee of PHP 5,400 to have their visa application placed at the front of the queue. Under normal circumstances, a priority service visa application will be processed within 2-3 working days.

    Does this mean you should get a decision on the visa in 2 to 3 days !!!!!. If so how can they justify making people wait 2,3.4 months for a decision

  12. #12
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick foreman View Post
    Does this mean you should get a decision on the visa in 2 to 3 days !!!!!. If so how can they justify making people wait 2,3.4 months for a decision
    I think this applies to non settlement visa i mean spouse visa. As far as I am aware you cannot apply for that service for our ways applying for a spouse visa. I did read the info on it and says it to that effect.
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

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