Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
I've said this before, but it's worth posting again. imo

Forget what you imagine, think or believe about life in Philippines, don't even consider a move, without first spending enough time there to let the "new & fun bit" wear off.
Try to get under the skin of life in the Philippines as it really is.
In practical terms, if any of those little daily annoyancies, inconveniences and general BS get to you, it'll only feel worse as time goes on. Period.

Such a move can be hard enough without discovering down the road that it was all a mistake, and then having to reverse the whole process again.

I do wonder just how many brits can really adapt.
I've managed to adapt to some very different lifestyles and it's really a state of mind.
Not that many folks can really adjust.

Having said all that I'd also add that life in UK also takes some getting used to.
After 10 years in UK I'm really ready to quit. There's noisy nasty neighbours here as well. More widespread than you might imagine. Don't think it's so easy to resolve either.
spot on different strokes for different folks its vital to let the holiday mode wear off no matter how long it takes before deciding if this place is right for you I think nearly 3 years is a good apprentiship in my view .I am not saying its all bad its not but getting used to bad things is very hard .I believe the retirement group the 60 to 70 might adapt better than the younger ones who still have work this is one of my problems i,m 50 and bored I actually want to go back and do some work because after sitting around for 3 years I don,t think i,m ready yet.We will be keeping the house going here so i,m not pulling out never to return .