Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
spot on different strokes for different folks its vital to let the holiday mode wear off no matter how long it takes before deciding if this place is right for you I think nearly 3 years is a good apprentiship in my view .I am not saying its all bad its not but getting used to bad things is very hard .I believe the retirement group the 60 to 70 might adapt better than the younger ones who still have work this is one of my problems i,m 50 and bored I actually want to go back and do some work because after sitting around for 3 years I don,t think i,m ready yet.We will be keeping the house going here so i,m not pulling out never to return .
Love - hate relationship with the Philippines Over the past 25 years i have met a lot of expats who feel exactly the same way. That's why they keep coming back after swearing that they have had a enough of the place!
If anything i would say older people have a harder time adapting to the Philippines as they are more set in their ways. Most of the younger ones tend to leave because they run out of money. They usually come back again for another try at some point in their life

You can work in the Philippines if you have your own business or should i say the wife's business.

Sure there are some frustrations but i always choose to see the funny side