Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
We do see things differently as i see Filipino's as neighbourly.
Yes i agree with your comments about noise. That is part of the culture and other neighbours don't have a problem with it so what gives us the right to say what is right or wrong.

I often read on the forum comments about Paki's and other nationalities not integrating into British society. Ask a filipino the same question about foreigners who live here. They will tell you that the vast majority of them are rude,snobbish, isolated and never really try to integrate. Sounds familiar!
Not quite a fair comparison Jake. .the majority of the foreigners are making valued contributions to the Philippines economy. .unlike the leeching parasites here.
Nothing unreasonable about having a moan about loud music.
We too had to endure such behaviour which according to my wife was accepted as normal. We had a jeepney parked by our bedroom window. .Every day we'd be awoken with the room being filled with black exhaust fumes. Again, that was accepted because the jeepney owner always parked there. .nobody complained.
I want my life how I want it. .not a test of endurance.
Like the foreigners wanting to come here for the money for doing sod all and for us wanting a better life on the cheap.