Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
We do see things differently as i see Filipino's as neighbourly.
Yes i agree with your comments about noise. That is part of the culture and other neighbours don't have a problem with it so what gives us the right to say what is right or wrong.

I often read on the forum comments about Paki's and other nationalities not integrating into British society. Ask a filipino the same question about foreigners who live here. They will tell you that the vast majority of them are rude,snobbish, isolated and never really try to integrate. Sounds familiar!
thats because the PH attracts a lot of dregs in society sexpats etc I would,nt integrate with them either if I was a Filipino .right now a dog is barking its head off the same one that goes at it all night now if a Filipino in england had the same problem it would be dealt with thats the difference jake here people just tolerate all kinds of crap because it aint in their nature .and the ones that do complain will probably bring out a gun here its very common .thats another reason why ive been told to keep quiet because they would,nt think twice of shooting you dead .you can kill anyone that comes onto your property here if they feel threatened .anyway people deal with culture changes better than others I guess all i,m saying is i,m not sure I could retire in this place where i,m at maybe another location by the sea might do it