Tiger I had bad neighbors that were pretty similar to yours , absolute nightmare, as soon as I went to bed I had a gaggle outside our front gates, music, talking till all hours, it made my dogs bark as the squatters opposite us used to sit on our front drive outside our gates,.....
Didn't matter how many times I or wife told them, they would stop for 30 mins then just got back to exactaly what they were doing!

In the end we sold the house a lot cheaper then it cost to get away from them,build the place from scratch with a nice pool as well....

Anyway I think if you could move do it, and also you should move somewhere where there are foreigners so you can get time with a bit of chat and gossip with your own kind, dumaguete comes to mind! Plenty of foreigners down there,
If you have friends there it makes it worthwhile living there, but will get loney if just you and wife, we all need space and someone to talk to on our level,,,,,

I for one love the Philippines and as soon as my kids are old enough to stand on their own feet I will be returning to live my days out there, for the weather more then anything else, I love the uk and I love the ph! Will be nice when I can go between,

Hope things work out for you