Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Yes you're right. My experience here in UK is that those types are also noisy.
Must say since we've moved here to UK we've had some terrible experiences with neighbours. We've also at the same time found some great ones too.
We moved 3 times solely to get away from anti-social neighbours. Absolute nightmare and so lucky we were only renters. On one occasion it was so bad we actually left 3 months before our tenancy expired and continued to pay the rent as the landlord wouldn't agree to an early release.

I'm sure there are some nightmare neighbours in Philippines, but fortunately I've not encountered any in any of our places or in fact in those of our family.
My wife's mother's house was actually on a beach. Surrounded by squatter fishermen in small nippa type dwellings. Never any problems and always friendly to me.
Never once caused any issue and never approached me for money. A couple of times I got asked for my T-Shirt though. Usually we'd decide by the toss of a coin....always good for a laugh regardless of the outcome.
Give it time Peter, just give it...I can assure the tapping up for a thousand here and a thousand there will come, especially amongst squatter fishermen. Like Michael said, you know nothing until you move in fulltime

Just a thought