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Thread: UKBA never seem to amaze anymore, moving the goal posts yet again for the "honest ones"

  1. #1
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    Angry UKBA never seem to amaze anymore, moving the goal posts yet again for the "honest ones"

    Just another part of the disgusting UKBA new regulations which i only found out last night!

    Seeing as the UKBA have let in over the last 30 odd years a load of free loaders , scum bags, refugees, overstayers and illegals whom managed to dodge the cops for 14 years odd(so the got amnesty to stay)

    The honest types like myself doing it all through the book and MARRIED WITH FILIPINO WIFE AND 2 KIDS 4 YEAR OLD AND 2 YEAR OLD are getting a damn hard , expensive and most stressful time with YET ANOTHER DAMN B.S rule that comes into effect from 28th of october, that is this poxy english test! AS IF THE DAMN LIFE IN THE UK WASNT ENOUGH!!!!!!

    When will these utter fools realise they already let the unsaviourys into the UK years ago and it is not the spouses and mothers of the kids that are the problem,,, damn it i am peeved indeed and i wish someone would actually listen and wake up to the fact!!!!

    I hope the minister that invented this new rule for his chums in the ukba,, (back scratch each other) reads this rant, because i know you only made this rubbish up so you can get £150 odd money for the test that is of NO USE WHATSO EVER to our family. OUTRAGEOUS

    Now we are going to be living in high stress environment for the foreseeable future until my wife can pass this damn exam,, and to be honest i am not sure she ever will, it will stop us traveling as a family, , talk about really affecting human rights

    thought this was the UK not Nazi Germany

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Like you said many in this country do not speak the language and we are paying the price for that.

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