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Thread: The Elusive Peace

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    The Elusive Peace

    In the multitude of time, civilization have undergone many changes in order to explore possible ways to achieve the most coveted and desired peace in the world. Even in ancient times, generations have not been spared. Even before the birth of Jesus Christ, conflict seem to be an integral part of the mankind and peoples lives. Simple conflicts brings war between families, brothers, sisters and relatives. People go their separate ways and find peace elusive and difficult to achieve even, with their sincere desire to find peace. Nations likewise are not spared by conflict caused by government refusing to give in and steadfastly stand by their conviction and commitment to their people. Similarly the other side likewise refuses to give in. In this confrontation nations give up the possibility of securing peace among themselves where they allow conflict to destroy lives, properties and good future for its citizens.

    So why is Peace in the world so difficult to achieve? This is brought by failure of people to respect the desire and the rights of the other person. People must learn to listen, to understand and believe that any disagreement or differences may be resolved by having an open mind to first seek peace and do the rest later.

    This attitude is used by conflicting ideas will bring an easier resolution to any coflict. Think peace first before anything else. It seems that it is easier to communicate if the heart of the people have plenty of love and peaceful attitude toward each other. People should first secure peace before arguing and conflicts will be easier to resolve.

    Peace therefore should be the beginning not the end. People must learn to put Peace the forefront of their lives whether its in the family, friends, neighbors, and of all people. Let us have a sincere desire and wish people to have peace in their lives.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    We are genetically designed over millions of years to seek dominance at every opportunity, nothing we can do about it. Survival of the fittest.
    Keith - Administrator

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