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Thread: internet connection in phils

  1. #1
    Respected Member lilbasuk's Avatar
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    internet connection in phils

    hello i would like to pick a few brains about how to get decent working internet connection in the philippines. My gf never seems to have a good connection as i recently experienced first hand while over there She always seems to the change the company and pay around 500 pesos a month. Its not wifi its dial up.i dont mind helping her pay for somthing thats going to be more reliable but i dont want to spend any money for it just to be the same as all the other connections shes been getting lol she lives in gensan sub divsion, i suppose different companies are better for different areas maybe? . I dont really know alot about computers so any help would be great ,thank you

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Internet in the Philippines is generally slow. So don't expect it anything like here in the UK. You are correct that location also affect how fast (or slow to put it frankly) the internet is. Sometimes, the best option is to have a DSL or broadband connection or even cable internet. Dial up ISPs are very slow compared to DSL and broadband. But still, location is the major part. Major telecom companies are PLDT, Globe Telecom, and Smart Communications that offers DSL and broadband connections. Maybe you can ask your gf to inquire about getting those if you really are keen to getting a faster connection than the usual.
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  3. #3
    Respected Member lilbasuk's Avatar
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    actually come to think of it not sure if it is dial up , things are so much easy in the uk lol I should of done more research while i was out there. Il ask my gf the name of her connection later and and take on board wat you said. cheers for your help.

  4. #4
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    you buy the broadband stick for aroind 1000 peso and then get whichever plan suits best -same with smart ,whichever works best .

  5. #5
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    The ISPs will usually need a 12/24 month contract to provide the router and connection on a post paid service which might not be suitable in rented accomodation. The dongle style 3G sticks are dependant on the best signal she gets in her area

  6. #6
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    my family is using globe wi fi at home (2mbps).. i think they pay P1300 a month including telephone.. it's not that bad,, they can download films and skype is clear..
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  7. #7
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Smart do internet TV and Phone for about a p1000 per month!

  8. #8
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Smart is PLDT............... You can get good connections if you have enough money, very expensive here compared to the UK. 1.5 meg connection with phone is 1,250 per month. 10 meg is about 6000

  9. #9
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    Bare in mind PLDT's promise of 1.5meg never made it over 100 and in peak times its down to like 20
    Downloading a film from isohunt use to take days
    Globe tattoo and Smart bro USB sticks are rubbish sometimes you cant even get online
    Of course a lot of it depends upon the area you in usb sticks dont work well in Makati

    With all the sexcams coming out of the Phills you would have thought they would have done something about the slow connections there

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