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Thread: confuse in static moblie home.

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  1. #1
    Respected Member wayne's Avatar
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    confuse in static moblie home.

    My fiancee owns a Static mobile home. Its big just like a flat. He needs to move out of his flat and is considering moving into the static mobile home because it will save money. Will this affect my visa? The home is in a secure caravan park and has all modern appliances..

    do you think it will affect in tenancy aggrement?
    landlord give permission for an additional resident?

    Don’t force yourself to fall in love just because you think it’s your turn. Wait for a while, maybe cupids are having a hard time searching for the heart that deserves the kind of love you can give.

  2. #2
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    What I do know is that static mobile homes can be lived in on a permanent basis as it has been reported by a UK top newspaper as to british families doing so to save money.

    If you have already applied for your visa its taken on the arrangements you had at the time of submission, personally I would leave it like that but this is just my opinion hopefully one of the others here will give further info on this...

  3. #3
    Respected Member wayne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    What I do know is that static mobile homes can be lived in on a permanent basis as it has been reported by a UK top newspaper as to british families doing so to save money.

    If you have already applied for your visa its taken on the arrangements you had at the time of submission, personally I would leave it like that but this is just my opinion hopefully one of the others here will give further info on this...
    but im worry tenancy aggrement and the landlord.. maybe they will refused visa if you didnt move in flat?
    Don’t force yourself to fall in love just because you think it’s your turn. Wait for a while, maybe cupids are having a hard time searching for the heart that deserves the kind of love you can give.

  4. #4
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    I know of a person who lives with his American wife in a caravan in a caravan park and he was there when they applied for the visa.Nothing wrong with that.As long as it has a permanent place in the park and is not really moving about all the time it should be fine.

  5. #5
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    I don't want cause any concerns or increase stress levels and please understand I'm only looking to help secure the very best outcome, but.....
    Generally speaking your static mobile home accommodation is not NORMALLY considered as adequate. This is simply based on the concept that the accommodation is a moveable structure, vehicle or vessel, that has been designed for people to live in.

    To be honest this is not something I've previously been involved with, but here's my thinking:-

    - There are cases where Migrant Seasonal workers are allowed to live in Static Caravans/Mobile Homes. Generally this is for a specified period.
    - The same applies to quite a number of asylum-claimants. Again envisaged as temporary.
    - The structure must be located on a recognised site and be generally considered to be permanent.
    - You must have proper permissions to live there.

    This essentially places the situation within an 'unconventional arrangement'.
    The risk for any visa application leading to settlement is that the ECO may be entitled to decide under discretion as an opinion based on 'balance of probabilities'.

    In the interests of minimising all risks I personally feel you'd be better advised to stay with a more conventional accommodation.
    It's extremely unsettling and stressful to be refused on such a 'discretional' decision making, appeals would still be an unknown as there's no definitive immigration rules.
    Also, appeals will take around 6 months to final outcome.

    Just my 2 centavos on a very tricky question.

    You might also consider consulting with an experienced Immigration Advisor. Just be sure that they can cite caselaw otherwise it's back to the ECO opinion again.

    If you decide to follow the route of static mobile home, it would be great if you could provide feedback here on any professional advice received.

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