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Thread: some Filipinos can be real bad neighbours

  1. #1
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    some Filipinos can be real bad neighbours

    I have not had a wink of sleep last night ,first of all boom boom boom music until 1 am .never would happen in u.k then the neighbours dog not sure which one but it barked the whole dam night which in turn set off all the others.And to finish me off the roosters kicked in i,m so frickin pissed off right now .so be warned folks you don,t get the same protection here as you do in the u.k .what would you do if in my shoes ?

  2. #2
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    Well you cant complain to them yourself = kanu's are not allowed to complain about anything there
    Your good lady could talk to the barangy captain which could spark off all kinds of problems
    Probably ending up with you being labeled as the trouble maker who complains about everything by the locals
    If you complained about a barking dog there, the owner would probably reply yes my dog is a good guard dog totally not bothered that the dog barks 24/7
    What noise they make and how it effects other people does not even register with many there

    I would move to another place where the neighbours are not so close, that is the only solution.........

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Well you cant complain to them yourself = kanu's are not allowed to complain about anything there
    Your good lady could talk to the barangy captain which could spark off all kinds of problems
    Probably ending up with you being labeled as the trouble maker who complains about everything by the locals
    If you complained about a barking dog there, the owner would probably reply yes my dog is a good guard dog totally not bothered that the dog barks 24/7
    What noise they make and how it effects other people does not even register with many there

    I would move to another place where the neighbours are not so close, that is the only solution.........
    well hopefully I get her a visa for 6 months for a rest back home ,the problem is when you choose a new sub division you can,t tell who your neighbours are going to be .and you are right they don,t care about how much their dogs bark all night a fairly selfesh attitude if you ask me .they buy dogs but don,t take care of them ,they cut them loose after the puppy stage has passed and then we end up with packs of ferral dogs running around everywhere.your also right in the fact if I complain I may end up dead somewhere in the future foreigners have no rights here thats a fact .

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    I have not had a wink of sleep last night ,first of all boom boom boom music until 1 am .never would happen in u.k then the neighbours dog not sure which one but it barked the whole dam night which in turn set off all the others.And to finish me off the roosters kicked in i,m so frickin pissed off right now .so be warned folks you don,t get the same protection here as you do in the u.k .what would you do if in my shoes ?
    Move back to the UK..
    You need to get back there before you go insane.. This country is obviously not for you.. IMO

  5. #5
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Move back to the UK..
    You need to get back there before you go insane.. This country is obviously not for you.. IMO
    lol you could be right fred the place is starting to get to me after 3 years .ive been to bohol before and I liked it there .I moved from cebu because of the heat ,here in bacolod the temp much cooler but its the overall picture you got to look at and for me Its not working too good.others may just blend right in and get on with it I guess .

  6. #6
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I lived in an housing association flat from 2003 in a block of 30 bedsit flats, here on the Isle of Wight, UK.

    Within days the noise night time, and I mean all night was terrible!

    I found out of the 30 flats 3 tenants including me went out to work!
    the rest were mostly males in their 20s and 30s who were too pissed and high on drugs to work.
    The man to my immediate left with whom I shared a small veranda that could have been a nice spot to sit out on in an evening but for the very loud music coming from his flat, he would go out in the late evenings get back then sit out on it all the night, till 4 or 5am.

    The housing officers knew what was happening, and the council noise teams, I put official complaints in all the time, but apart from having a word with them nothing was done, I was going to work shattered from lack of sleep!

    After filling in their report sheets daily whenever they spoke to a tenant, I then had to start a new log of events because they considered the matter dealt with.

    One morning around 03.30 I was woken with a start, It seemed like there was a rock group in my flat, I went to the flat next doors front door and hammered on it so loud it woke a lot of other tenants , I had snapped if I could have got hold of him, I would have done something that would have no doubt got me too in trouble!

    Within days the housing officer offered me the flat I have been in since 2007 in sheltered housing.

    Even here Somone in a house nearby shuts a dog outside most of the time and it barks continually!

    Noise and nuisance is with us everywhere including the UK.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    The Philippines is obviously not for you.
    The degree of adaption varies from person to person and it will always be that way. The bottom line is they are not the ones that need to change their ways to suit you. Accept that or as Fred said go insane

    Good luck with the 6 month visit visa.

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    lol you could be right fred the place is starting to get to me after 3 years .ive been to bohol before and I liked it there .I moved from cebu because of the heat ,here in bacolod the temp much cooler but its the overall picture you got to look at and for me Its not working too good.others may just blend right in and get on with it I guess .

    Ive never been to Bacolod but there are a few places and situations that I can do without at my age.. I used to live in Paranaque in a sub division and it was not too bad back then and karaoke machines were not such an issue.. We were there for about 3 years but that was a long time ago and to be honest I dont know if that life would suit me anymore..
    Depends on your situation but surely there must be quieter areas around to rent in?
    Here in Bohol there is only one posh sub division but most expats I know own or rent bungalows well away from neighbours.. My nearest neighbour is an Aussie,(50 meters away) and beyond that the closest nipa hut from us is 300 meters.. We avoid going to town too often but its only 15 mins away if we need to..
    Cant you find something a bit more secluded there in Bacolod?

  9. #9
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    The Philippines is obviously not for you.
    The degree of adaption varies from person to person and it will always be that way. The bottom line is they are not the ones that need to change their ways to suit you. Accept that or as Fred said go insane

    Good luck with the 6 month visit visa.
    i,m half way there jake lol i,m not usually one for complaining but last night was just way over what you would normally expect .ive got used to the roosters you will never excape them .its just that i find it very strange how everyone just puts up with this racket on a daily basis .maybe I just need to return to the u.k to recharge my batteries lol.

  10. #10
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I think it is just where you live at the moment tiger. I have been to the dreaded mindinao as some people label it and I hav'nt had a problem. Not all places are like that. As been said you cant choose your neighbors. It can be just as bad here and like mick c said its not easy to get a complaint recognised here. You have to make diaries and logs. It could take ages for the council to take action and in some cases if the problem is with one of our ethnic minority friends you have little or no chance of resolving the problem.

  11. #11
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I think it is just where you live at the moment tiger. I have been to the dreaded mindinao as some people label it and I have'nt had a problem. Not all places are like that. As been said you cant choose your neighbors. It can be just as bad here and like mick c said its not easy to get a complaint recognised here. You have to make diaries and logs. It could take ages for the council to take action and in some cases if the problem is with one of our ethnic minority friends you have little or no chance of resolving the problem.
    lol I like the way you put that (our little ethnic friends) well mick had a bad time too, but back home I would sort the problem myself if you know what I mean ,I don,t wait for the namby pamby brigade to come along with their clip boards .but here in the philippines I know life is cheap and for very little money you can be bumped off ,so I keep myself to myself stay out of any disputes at all costs .I want to see good ol blighty again safe n sound

  12. #12
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I think it is just where you live at the moment tiger. I have been to the dreaded mindinao as some people label it and I hav'nt had a problem. Not all places are like that. As been said you cant choose your neighbors. It can be just as bad here and like mick c said its not easy to get a complaint recognised here. You have to make diary's and logs. It could take ages for the council to take action and in some cases if the problem is with one of our ethnic minority freinds you have little or no chance of resolving the problem.
    Totally agree with that, when I first moved there the person in the flat next to me was in a flat sub let to the probation service for ex prisoners, the Housing Association said they could do nothing.
    He then set fire to his bed in the flat and I called the fire brigade, he was it turned out watching from the road, he said he did it because he was lonely, he was then sent back to prison!

    But I still had problems with the next one, he was ex prison too.

  13. #13
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    look on the bright side mick at least your living in a nice pa

  14. #14
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    I have not had a wink of sleep last night ,first of all boom boom boom music until 1 am .never would happen in u.k then the neighbours dog not sure which one but it barked the whole dam night which in turn set off all the others.And to finish me off the roosters kicked in i,m so frickin pissed off right now .so be warned folks you don,t get the same protection here as you do in the u.k .what would you do if in my shoes ?
    Buy earplugs or headphones so you can listen to your own relaxing music. I should think the music till 1 in the morning isn't going to happen every night. Alternatively, get them to invite you...if you can't beat them join them!

    The roosters?...well you just get used to them i think.....but then i used to keep them here in the uk so they dont bother me. Take up cock fighting?...when in Rome do as the romans do!

    or as others have suggested maybe you just need a little rest in the UK...then you will again appreciate how nice it is in the Philippines!

  15. #15
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Philippines

  16. #16
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    lol I like the way you put that ( our little ethnic friends )well mick had a bad time too ,but back home I would sort the problem myself if you know what I mean ,I don,t wait for the namby pamby brigade to come along with their clip boards .but here in the philippines I know life is cheap and for very little money you can be bumped off ,so I keep myself to myself stay out of any disputes at all costs .I want to see good ol blighty again safe n sound
    You wont win tiger taking the law into your own hands. You would get done for assault. However you can get bumped off here too for a price. But I do agree with what you say (keep yourself to yourself) When I am there I only go out with my wife and stepkid in the city. If I want a bit of socialising we tend to go with her friends who know the locals. And I never show off. My wife has the money for our outings and I never wear gold. I just try to look and behave in a sensible manner. I find if your respectable to them they will respect you. A smile and saying Hi costs nothing.

  17. #17
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Buy earplugs or headphones so you can listen to your own relaxing music. I should think the music till 1 in the morning isn't going to happen every night. Alternatively, get them to invite you...if you can't beat them join them!

    The roosters?...well you just get used to them i think.....but then i used to keep them here in the uk so they dont bother me. Take up cock fighting?...when in Rome do as the romans do!

    or as others have suggested maybe you just need a little rest in the UK...then you will again appreciate how nice it is in the Philippines!
    Totally agree except for cock fighting.

  18. #18
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    You wont win tiger taking the law into your own hands. You would get done for assault. However you can get bumped off here too for a price. But I do agree with what you say (keep yourself to yourself) When I am there I only go out with my wife and stepkid in the city. If I want a bit of socialising we tend to go with her friends who know the locals. And I never show off. My wife has the money for our outings and I never wear gold. I just try to look and behave in a sensible manner. I find if your respectable to them they will respect you. A smile and saying Hi costs nothing.
    your joking a smile and a hi costs nothing tell that to my missus I get an elbow in the ribs if I say hi or smile at another girl

  19. #19
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Totally agree except for cock fighting.
    Well I wouldn't either but i know a lot of folk out there seem to like it!

  20. #20
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    your joking a smile and a hi costs nothing tell that to my misus I get an elbow in the ribs if I say hi or smile at another girl
    Yes I have had that tiger but it comes about 4 hours after I smiled and said hi. The problem is i couldnt remember doing it but the mrs could.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    You could buy your own island

    Neighbour problem disappears
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  22. #22
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    You could buy your own island

    Neighbour problem disappears
    Do MacDonald's deliver

  23. #23
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    I've said this before, but it's worth posting again. imo

    Forget what you imagine, think or believe about life in Philippines, don't even consider a move, without first spending enough time there to let the "new & fun bit" wear off.
    Try to get under the skin of life in the Philippines as it really is.
    In practical terms, if any of those little daily annoyancies, inconveniences and general BS get to you, it'll only feel worse as time goes on. Period.

    Such a move can be hard enough without discovering down the road that it was all a mistake, and then having to reverse the whole process again.

    I do wonder just how many brits can really adapt.
    I've managed to adapt to some very different lifestyles and it's really a state of mind.
    Not that many folks can really adjust.

    Having said all that I'd also add that life in UK also takes some getting used to.
    After 10 years in UK I'm really ready to quit. There's noisy nasty neighbours here as well. More widespread than you might imagine. Don't think it's so easy to resolve either.

  24. #24
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I've said this before, but it's worth posting again. imo

    Forget what you imagine, think or believe about life in Philippines, don't even consider a move, without first spending enough time there to let the "new & fun bit" wear off.
    Try to get under the skin of life in the Philippines as it really is.
    In practical terms, if any of those little daily annoyancies, inconveniences and general BS get to you, it'll only feel worse as time goes on. Period.

    Such a move can be hard enough without discovering down the road that it was all a mistake, and then having to reverse the whole process again.

    I do wonder just how many brits can really adapt.
    I've managed to adapt to some very different lifestyles and it's really a state of mind.
    Not that many folks can really adjust.

    Having said all that I'd also add that life in UK also takes some getting used to.
    After 10 years in UK I'm really ready to quit. There's noisy nasty neighbours here as well. More widespread than you might imagine. Don't think it's so easy to resolve either.
    spot on different strokes for different folks its vital to let the holiday mode wear off no matter how long it takes before deciding if this place is right for you I think nearly 3 years is a good apprentiship in my view .I am not saying its all bad its not but getting used to bad things is very hard .I believe the retirement group the 60 to 70 might adapt better than the younger ones who still have work this is one of my problems i,m 50 and bored I actually want to go back and do some work because after sitting around for 3 years I don,t think i,m ready yet.We will be keeping the house going here so i,m not pulling out never to return .

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    ...i,m 50 and bored I actually want to go back and do some work....
    Brian, I think that's a key issue. 50 is just too young to retire with nothing to do.
    When I finally get there I've got all sorts of plans and ideas to keep busy.
    Have you considered doing some volunteering work?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    I have not had a wink of sleep last night ,first of all boom boom boom music until 1 am .never would happen in u.k then the neighbours dog not sure which one but it barked the whole dam night which in turn set off all the others.And to finish me off the roosters kicked in i,m so frickin pissed off right now .so be warned folks you don,t get the same protection here as you do in the u.k .what would you do if in my shoes ?
    dont happen in the uk you are having a laugh, ok not many roosters abouts but lots of deaf TW-TS abouts till 4 am and you tell me who you can tell to do something about it

  27. #27
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i have many brothers and me being the youngest is more placid then the rest, my orrible bro was having problems with these new neighbors once and what did he do, well he banged on the wall you can still see the mark from the sole of his slipper, that did not work and after a few more minutes he went round to the door and banged loud but nothing happened so in he walk straight into the front room where these 3 kids/men was drinking smoking watching tv and the music playing in the back ground, well after he told them what he would do if they did not comply , the sound was off and from that day there is still music but not loud and after 10 the sound you cannot hear, and they get on great now

  28. #28
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Well Tiger, I have never experienced any noise at night apart from some traffic and twice in Dumaguete when the Catholic church had some noisy procession at 3am in the morning with drums and bells waking everyone up also making all the dogs bark. Now that is bad manners and lack of consideration for others! Come home Tiger

  29. #29
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    dont happen in the uk you are having a laugh, ok not many roosters abouts but lots of deaf TW-TS abouts till 4 am and you tell me who you can tell to do something about it
    not having a laugh ive never had noisy neighbours in my life guess ive been lucky

  30. #30
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Brian, I think that's a key issue. 50 is just too young to retire with nothing to do.
    When I finally get there I've got all sorts of plans and ideas to keep busy.
    Have you considered doing some volunteering work?
    never volunteered for work as i said i,ll go back on the road back in the u.k for a while and see how I feel maybe try and shake off the blues .I know whats gonna happen i,ll get back home then want to scurry off back to p h when the cold weather kicks in again

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