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Thread: Senator from Cebu

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  1. #1
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Senator from Cebu

    A few weeks ago, the Honorable Senator for Cebu, tabled a motion in the Senate to make "Sex Tourism" a Death Penalty offence. This guy has lots of clout in the, maybe it will gather momentum as the weeks and months go by...So just watch out if that's what you come here for..they are clamping down, so if your G/F looks below 18, they WILL stop you (the Police) and question her....(it's happened to me twice with my wife, because she looks young, but when they see her tummy, they usually pass on me)

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    A few weeks ago, the Honorable Senator for Cebu, tabled a motion in the Senate to make "Sex Tourism" a Death Penalty offence. This guy has lots of clout in the, maybe it will gather momentum as the weeks and months go by...So just watch out if that's what you come here for..they are clamping down, so if your G/F looks below 18, they WILL stop you (the Police) and question her....(it's happened to me twice with my wife, because she looks young, but when they see her tummy, they usually pass on me)
    Can you post a link to this story?
    Personally,I doubt very much that you can!!

  3. #3
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Can you post a link to this story?
    Personally,I doubt very much that you can!!
    " The Freeman" (Cebu Newspaper) 3 weeks ago. Don't believe me, go look for yourself my friend. Front page story..
    Last edited by jackmac452; 5th September 2013 at 00:56. Reason: forgot to add.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Are you sure it wasn't a congressman? Senators do not represent a certain area.

    There was a chap who ran for congress this year who said something along these lines. He received 353 votes!

    CEBU, Philippines - Only death penalty and a speedy trial under a jury system can deter child sex tourism.

    This was according to Junex Doronio, an independent congressional candidate in the north district of Cebu City, in response to the challenge made by the Cebu Against Sex Tourism (CAST) to the candidates for the 2013 elections to make crusade against child sex tourism part of their program.

    “How can we strike fear in the hearts of those involved in child sex tourism if there is no death penalty and they know that they can still be freed just by pretending to be good boys and girls while inside the jail?” said Doronio.

    Doronio proposed that the security personnel in malls and other public places should not allow the entry of foreigners who are being escorted by young children, obviously not their relatives.

    CAST earlier cited foreigners escorted by very young women and boys, many of them minors, and become a common sight in resorts and hotels and even in the most public places such as malls, not to mention night joints and hang out places

    If elected, Doronio will file a bill pushing for the restoration of death penalty for heinous crimes such as child sex trafficking, massacre and plunder, and the establishment of a jury system in the country.

  5. #5
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    You are correct was a Congressman, not a senator, my mistake. He has reared up again over this topic in the "Freeman" newspaper and that is where I obtained the story from. I was only just trying to deter some of the people who DO come here for this kind of thing, I see them and sometimes talk to them who come here. The Policeman who comes for coffee each day tells me it does not look to good on the rest of the ex.Pats who live here., and that was my concern for placing the article on here in the first place. The reason I stopped coming here was over exactly the attitude that I got from the poster above you. Smug..

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    You are correct was a Congressman, not a senator, my mistake. He has reared up again over this topic in the "Freeman" newspaper and that is where I obtained the story from. I was only just trying to deter some of the people who DO come here for this kind of thing, I see them and sometimes talk to them who come here. The Policeman who comes for coffee each day tells me it does not look to good on the rest of the ex.Pats who live here., and that was my concern for placing the article on here in the first place. The reason I stopped coming here was over exactly the attitude that I got from the poster above you. Smug..

    You still cant post a link to a story that a Cebu Senator proposes a "death" penalty for "sex tourists" then?
    Thought not.
    However..If the Congressman proposed a death penalty for offending Filipino and foreign pedophiles,I`d be all for it.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    You are correct was a Congressman, not a senator, my mistake. He has reared up again over this topic in the "Freeman" newspaper and that is where I obtained the story from. I was only just trying to deter some of the people who DO come here for this kind of thing, I see them and sometimes talk to them who come here. The Policeman who comes for coffee each day tells me it does not look to good on the rest of the ex.Pats who live here., and that was my concern for placing the article on here in the first place. The reason I stopped coming here was over exactly the attitude that I got from the poster above you. Smug..
    The congress candidate i mentioned only received 0.18% of the votes in the May elections. Cant be him then! If you can post the link it would verify your story.

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