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Thread: Child Benefit claim?

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Question Child Benefit claim?

    Hello, hello,

    I haven't been online for nearly a year, but in that time we have been so busy!
    My beautiful wife gave birth to our son Aubrey-Tan 3 weeks ago, and this brings me to my question....
    My wife applied for limited leave to remain here in the U.K in April of this year, this was after we had the 6 month fiancé visa.
    The visa was approved for 30 months but it clearly states Zuzy cannot claim for any public funds, it also clearly states her sponsor (me, her hubby) cannot claim any funds on her behalf.
    So I'm confused if we are entitled to child benefit for our son or not??
    I've looked at the application form for the child tax credit and I can fill it out as the claimant for it but I will have to list my partner also.
    I don't want to claim for anything were not entitled to as it will risk our next application in 2015 for indefinite leave to remain.
    Any help please would be great.
    I did go to the citizens advice bureau today and he basically said we should apply for it but I'm not 100% convinced.
    Please help.

  2. #2
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    congratulations Nathan--a baby boy--nice one. your son is a British citizen--and therefore YOU can claim anything you are entitled to. i'm sure others--more knowledgable will reply.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your wife is not entitled to public funds, but if your eligible to claim a benefit you can, as long as you don't claim more of a benefit because your wife is with you.

    for child benefit make sure you claim it and not your wife and make sure the money goes into your bank account not hers and you will not have any problem later on.

    as for tax credits if your eligible to claim it, you both have to fill the form in, but make sure you only tick the box to claim it,

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks for the info guys...

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I've claimed child benefit for many years and until recently the child care element of tax creds, my wife had no problem getting FLR, ILR and Citizenship.

    as someone has posted already your son is a British citizen, they cant claim the benefit because of their age, but you can claim for them

  6. #6
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    Indeed...EITHER parent can claim the Child Benefit in their own right (as long as only ONE does so).

    Everything in your name, and into YOUR bank account.

    Remember there are lots of single/separated parents about, hence the flexibility in the system.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Yes - you are entitle to claim for child benefit. I had my son when I was on ILR and my husband fill up all forms for child benefit. Everyone who has a child is entitled for one. This does not affect your wife's status in the UK.
    "Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

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