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Thread: marrieges that may go wrong.....

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  1. #1
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    marrieges that may go wrong.....

    I know this subject is looking on the black side of things but it occured to us what might be the outcome if a married couple
    [ filipina and englishman] needed to divorce after living as man in wife in the uk and had been wed in the Phil's.
    Intrested to know for all of our sakes what the advantages and disadvantages are.
    If anyone has any information or stories we would be most grateful to recieve them as it will be usefull reading for all concerned,thank you.:

  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    do u have kids?can u pls tell us a little more info about ur situation so we can understand it better..

  3. #3
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    want to know more about laws in marrying uk citizen here in phils.

    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    do u have kids?can u pls tell us a little more info about ur situation so we can understand it better..
    because of the complications that might arise in certain eg, divorce conflicting with relation to british law and Phillippines law.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by philcherry View Post
    because of the complications that might arise in certain eg, divorce conflicting with relation to british law and Phillippines law.

    The story is a bit blunt. You never told us how many years they're been married, do they have child/children. Well, anyway, if they will end up having divorce and their worries is their marriage in the Phils., it's not a problem. As long as the woman still a filipino citizen, divorce is valid in the Phils., foreign national will be the one to file divorce cause if filipina it will be void. Both then, can remarry, either here in the U.K or in the Phils.

  5. #5
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    hi kimmmy,is not really our situation as we are not married yet my bf is and "english " too.but we are helping out on a friends request to know more.which has made ourselves interested.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Im no expert and don't wish to become one in the future.

    But like Kimmi it depends on children the couple have, the visa status of the Filpino ie spouse, ilr or citzen. If you married in the uk or phill as to what would might happen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Im no expert and don't wish to become one in the future.

    But like Kimmi it depends on children the couple have, the visa status of the Filpino ie spouse, ilr or citzen. If you married in the uk or phill as to what would might happen.

    hi andypaul,
    thanks for the reply.We have no children and we are still courting, i am still in England and my gf is still in Phil's.We have met in Phil's and know we love eachother very much.We were wondering about marrying in the Phil's or the in UK. would be nice to marry in the Phil's but were thinking of what possible implications might evolve if we did marry there and then lived as man and wife in the UK.We are not for minute thinking we will want to divorce and intend to spend our lives together but it is an interesting point to consider if anyone who for whatever reason needs to divorce, kids or no kids at that time what the implications might be? when they have been married in the Phil's but lived together as man and wife in the UK?


  8. #8
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    Divorce/ annulment is not the right answer and is not advantage that they can remarried again whenever they are... my concern really specially if they have/had child/children as they are the most who suffer and sacrifice for what the outcome of their parents divorce and it does affect to them.There is no advantages and disadvantages for me I can't see any if there is.

  9. #9
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Think positive....If you're thingking about MARRIAGE then mean it...what andypaul said don't wish to become in the future...
    Good Luck.....

  10. #10
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Im a bit confused here philcherry.

    Quote Originally Posted by philcherry
    hi kimmmy,is not really our situation as we are not married yet my bf is and "english " too.
    You was a girl with a bf?

    Quote Originally Posted by philcherry
    thanks for the reply.We have no children and we are still courting, i am still in England and my gf is still in Phil's.
    And this time you're the man with a gf?

    Or perhaps im
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    me too are confused..who's who?

  12. #12
    Member anya's Avatar
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    this is confusing. dont thinking about separating even before you get married. you're jinxing it.

  13. #13
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    Hello everyone,
    Well we are sorry for any confusion but if you all would care to read the reply to andypaul it has our explanation there. It's all about whether it is best to marry in the Phillippines or the UK as a point of law. It must be said we were originally asking the question on behalf of a friend and just used ourselves as an example. While we were asking the question for our friend we were interested in how the law worked anyway. We are very positive to stay together as man and wife but also positive enough to be able to talk openly and not be afraid about this subject as it's always best to know these things.
    We're just sorry everyone seems to be making a bad light of it.

  14. #14
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by philcherry View Post
    Hello everyone,
    Well we are sorry for any confusion but if you all would care to read the reply to andypaul it has our explanation there. It's all about whether it is best to marry in the Phillippines or the UK as a point of law. It must be said we were originally asking the question on behalf of a friend and just used ourselves as an example. While we were asking the question for our friend we were interested in how the law worked anyway. We are very positive to stay together as man and wife but also positive enough to be able to talk openly and not be afraid about this subject as it's always best to know these things.
    We're just sorry everyone seems to be making a bad light of it.
    Ask a simple question!!
    Most here are very helpful..
    One or two however..

  15. #15
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Yeah,right Fred! Start them with "what ifs" instead of using metaphors. Kidding aside,you're welcome to ask because this is why the Admin created this very informative,wacky at times,dramatic and funny forum.

    As for the divorce/annulment thing? It's a little scary to think about it at this point in time, why not cross the bridge when you get there? Maybe continue with the relationship, enjoy the moment, and when the going gets and you think it's the right time to seek legal advise, do not hesitate to ask again I can give you my lawyer's number, website and office address. Or better yet, search the forum because all your queries have been discussed on here already I'm sure of that. The answers are all there actually. Anyway, have a nice day fellas!
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  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    One or two however..
    That's no way to talk about the Moderators
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That's no way to talk about the Moderators
    fred said 1 or 2 , i think he meant one person keith ... YOU

    i don't think it matters wether your married in uk, philippines or Timbuktu, if an overseas weddings is legal and registered in the country where it took place then the marriage should be legally recognized in the UK

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    i don't think it matters wether your married in uk, philippines or Timbuktu, if an overseas weddings is legal and registered in the country where it took place then the marriage should be legally recognized in the UK
    I've had this conversation a few times with Peter (our missing in action moderator - Pete where are you?).

    Think about it...when you apply for a spouse visa, you must prove to the British Embassy that you are legally married. Now, the British Embassy represents the UK government, the Queen, whatever, so if the Embassy reconizes your marraige as legal, then the authorities in the UK will also see it as being legal. This was confirmed by the local Registrar of Marraiges, and she also said that if you wanted, you could deposit a copy of the marraige certificate at the FCO, but this is only for filing purposes.

  19. #19
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    Only the difference is that marriage laws are different in any country and that Philippines dont have divorce, only annulment. And to file an annulment in the Philippines is a very lenghty expensive process, and not all were granted.
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  20. #20
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks Ate Char, for enlightening me also with this issue..

  21. #21
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    it means that if a filipina is married to a British Citizen in UK she needs to register it to the Philippine Embassy in London and then the Embassy will make notification to the DFA here in the Philippines and to the NSO to register that marriage so it will also be valid here in the Philippines..

    this is what explained to me at the CFO seminar..

  22. #22
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    thank you everyone for the ideas that you shared with us.hoping to get to know more next time.

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