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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Nov 2005
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    hi everyone,

    iam glad that i found your website.a bit confusing coz i have just got married with my fiancee here in uk.we are both filipino and i had my indifinite leave to remain last lastyear until now im still with my ILR visa with filipino passport. she has been granted for a fiancee visa for 6 we are married,do i need to change her passport and change her surname to my surname or we can apply spouse visa to home office without changing her surname.

    thank you very much.....


  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by warren@Nov 22 2005, 11:10 PM
    hi everyone,

    iam glad that i found your website.a bit confusing coz i have just got married with my fiancee here in uk.we are both filipino and i had my indifinite leave to remain last lastyear until now im still with my ILR visa with filipino passport. she has been granted for a fiancee visa for 6 we are married,do i need to change her passport and change her surname to my surname or we can apply spouse visa to home office without changing her surname.

    thank you very much.....


    Warren, the process for your wife is simple, now you have married in the UK, you have to apply for your wife to ajust status from temporary leave to remain, at the moment she has a 6 mth 'marrriage to visa'.

    You must go to the UK Visas home page and download the forms to apply for your wifes ' Further Leave to remain visa' this is a 24 month visa.

    You will find this link useful

    Once you have filled in the required information, and paid the appropriate fee to the Home Office, your application will be dealt with.

    Your new wife should receive an adjustment to her status and she can remain in the UK as your wife for 24 months, provided you yourself have indefinate leave to remain in the United Kingdom.

    with regards to her passport, she is quite entitled to apply in her maiden name for the adjustment without the need to approach the Philippine Embassy to obtain a new passport, however if you want your wife to have her married name on the application, you would need to contact the Philippine Embassy first, and have the new passport issued before such a visa application is made to UK Visas, you will of course need to call in person at the Philippine Embassy, the details of which are here:

    Hope this information is helpful.


  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Nov 2005
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    hi pete,
    thank you very much for your email,pe what is the main or exact requirements for a spouse visa...cos im not really quite sure.we been given an appointment which is on the 6th thank you very much
    Warren, the process for your wife is simple, now you have married in the UK, you have to apply for your wife to ajust status from temporary leave to remain, at the moment she has a 6 mth 'marrriage to visa'.

    You must go to the UK Visas home page and download the forms to apply for your wifes ' Further Leave to remain visa' this is a 24 month visa.

    You will find this link useful

    Once you have filled in the required information, and paid the appropriate fee to the Home Office, your application will be dealt with.

    Your new wife should receive an adjustment to her status and she can remain in the UK as your wife for 24 months, provided you yourself have indefinate leave to remain in the United Kingdom.

    with regards to her passport, she is quite entitled to apply in her maiden name for the adjustment without the need to approach the Philippine Embassy to obtain a new passport, however if you want your wife to have her married name on the application, you would need to contact the Philippine Embassy first, and have the new passport issued before such a visa application is made to UK Visas, you will of course need to call in person at the Philippine Embassy, the details of which are here:

    Hope this information is helpful.

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