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Thread: What do you make of this?

  1. #1
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    What do you make of this?

    What do you make of this?

    A friend of mine who has Philippine connections has just recieved an email from an individual called Richard Dagger. It reads

    I am a 63 year old British citizen with Australian residency and I am asking for your organization or staff for urgent assistance. This is a genuine request and it will be confirmed by a senior representative at the UK Embassy in Manila called Hannah and she can be contacted on ********

    It all started back in 2006, about February when I went into a dating Website and found what I will call Miss X, from Davao City in the Philippines . She came across as welcoming and sincere, telling me that she was only poor but wanted happiness for her and her baby (That she admitted that she had tried to abort). Both my Father and daughter from my first marriage actually pleaded with me to let it go and not visit Miss X, which I intended to do in June of that year.

    During the time we first met on the Internet until much later on in our relationship I sent her money, clothing, magazines on a weekly basis and even a camera!

    In June of that year I went to Davao City , and on arrival was greeted at the Airport by Miss X, her Mother and a number of relatives. We all went out to lunch which I paid for and I should have realized at the time that something was wrong when her Uncle said had I got an International Credit Card.

    For these two weeks we stayed in a large apartment, and so did half of Miss X and her relatives, with me paying for everything. Even one morning another relative pleaded for PHP8,000
    which I stupidly gave as he claimed his sons were ill and needed
    medical attention. (Later I found out this was a lie).

    I got engaged to Miss X during these two weeks. We had a small party in the apartment, against the wishes of Miss X s Mother who would have rather had a party fit for Imelda Marcus and her cronies!! During this period arrangements were made for Miss X and Her Mother to take an apartment at Landmark Three in Sasa, which I would pay for, as I decided to return to Cairns , Australia , resign my job at the Shangri-la Hotel and return to Davao .

    We chose a modern apartment that my Mother in Law of the future said was PHP5,000 per month which I later found out was a thousand less per month. The scamming had begun.

    I returned to Australia and came back to Miss X in Davao . During this time up until the marriage at the Halls of Justice on May 12th , there were a lot of warning signs that I chose to ignore, partly to prove to my daughter and Father that I was right and they were wrong, but as you will see from this story how wrong I was !!

    Miss X started to steal money from me that I left around, relatives
    were invited to stay at my expense and I paid for a nanny for Miss X s baby girl. This in itself was a mistake as this gave Miss X freedom, like one night late telling me she was going to church (Midnight) but I saw a bottle of Vodka sticking out of her handbag!! Later I was advised she often met other Boys to have a good time.

    We ahd some good times flying together to places such as Manila,
    Leyte, Negros and other parts of the Philippines staying in good
    hotels. Bought a second hand car that my Mother in Law later stole and sold.

    I blundered on ignoring the warning signs and got married hoping that Miss X would become more responsible as she matured. But I was wrong and things only got worse. The Marriage day was very disappointing for me, and one of the saddest days of my life. My daughter flew in from Australia , but that was all even Mrs Dagger Mother in law boycotted the wedding after I refused to pay for a lavish affair befitting a Prince and Princess.

    As my employment meant a lot of traveling to places in Thailand,
    Indonesia, Singapore, South Africa, Vietnam, Mauritius and Maldives I was away a great deal and as they say whilst the Cat is Away, the Mice do Play , and Mrs Dagger got up to.all sorts of adulterous mischief. I did take her to Thailand and the Maldives , where in the latter location she enjoyed her days swimming and drinking Sex on the Beach Cocktails. During this time I received emails from her boyfriends telling me to leave her, as she and her Mother only wanted money from me and nothing else.

    Mrs Dagger then returned to Davao and I remained on another working project in Bangkok. She advised me that her Mother had stolen/taken everything from the Apartment, back to their farm/home in Padada. When I returned to Davao I got some of the items back, but I had to also spend thousands more replacing items. Depression set in and I knew that the end was coming and I went to Cebu leaving my wife and her baby,

    In Cebu I made many friends, many of which I still have. I went
    downhill with depression, attempted suicide and had to con my Father on many occasions to get money from him to survive and I slid into drinking very heavily.

    I decided to give it one more go Me and Mrs Dagger! Stayed in a
    hotel in Digos near Padada, and then It was suggested I go and live on their farm. Lefty an outstanding Hotel Account with my Passport as security until my Mother In Law paid the Account. Never seen my Passport since!

    Life on the farm was good at first as I was negotiating an overseas working contract, and that meant money. Once
    that fell through both Mrs Dagger and her evil Mother wanted me out and openly encouraged me to commit suicide. Saw some of my stolen property on the Farm and witnessed them tampering with Electric cables/Meters to reduce their Electricity Bill, and they admitted that they never paid any taxes whatsoever for farm produce sold, they motor repair shop or Sari Sari store.
    They felt they were above the law!!

    I had to run from Padada and returned to Davao where I ran into more trouble, staying with people who did not like Mrs Dagger, but were passing back information about me to her and her Mother. Stayed here and there as now was getting Death Threats, and even stayed with another person who took me off the street, whom I later found out was a convicted Killer. My health was going downhill rapidly with Pneumonia, Electrolyte In balance and Kidney problems and I spent many nights in SPMC Hospital .

    Then it was to Co Su Guin Home for the Aged. A good modern
    Establishment, but lacking any form of real security or
    confidentiality of the patients. The management was weak and some of the male staff negligent in their duty.

    There were two occasions where the breach of Confidentiality could have resulted in harm to me or death and that is no exaggeration. The one saving grace in that establishment was the female head nurse that was magnificent.

    Then I thought I was saved again being taken out of that place, but alas it was out of the Lions Den and into the Lions mouth, and for many reasons I was soon on the run again after another Death Threat. I wandered the streets, spent one night in hospital again, another night in protective custody at a Police Station, where they gave me accommodation and food. Then as I was sitting beside Laurel Avenue on the steps of a derelict building a good Samaritan saw me, and took me in into their home where I am now. Other people have helped me and one in particular who I will call Hot Potato .

    Immigration do not want to deport me, but eventually I should get out on an Indigency Plan back to Australia I hope. But I need Justice as my scheming, adulterous, defrauding, thieving and fiendish wife has Bankrupted me, and basically just wants me to pass away. The PHP2,5 million I have spent on her has gone and she is now moving from foreigner to foreigner doing the same old thing, grabbing money with the help of her Mother. She has just had a Baby with her Japanese boyfriend, so all I can say she is proud of what she is doing and will continue to do so until the law decides to do something about her and her mother.

    Finally I still love the Philippines .

    I know that many times the Philippines has asked for Aid in times of Typhoon destruction and received a great deal from Australia and the United Kingdom. Now I am the one feeling destroyed.

    Basically am trying to get a job and work my way out of the Philippines.

    Hoping that you can assist me and I will be hearing from you.

    He's also making plea's on Sullit.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wow there is no fool like a old fool

  3. #3
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Is it genuine though? Sounds a bit far fetched.

  4. #4
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    Googling the letter brings up a lot of scam stories dating back some time, at least 2009

  5. #5
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I know from my own experience if you think you love Somone you ignore what to others are obvious signs, but this could never go this far Could it!

  6. #6
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    sounds bollox to me

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    true Mick love is blind, but he must have been blind deaf and dumb

  8. #8
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    true Mick love is blind, but he must have been blind deaf and dumb

    Whilst that might apply if the letter was real but it is a Hoax.

    As Dedworth so rightly says, "its a load of bollox"

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    sounds bollox to me
    straight to the point

    how could her boyfriends email him, where would they get his email address, if they have his passport why not go to the embassy and say its been stolen ? and why mention someone at the British embassy who can confirm his story and the the oz embassy

  10. #10
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    I say this is a scam.........just one, albeit long winded, version of many that are out

    If anybody wants to help a Brit in real need in the Philippines then give your compassion, and if you have some budget some cash or gift, to Kevin Taylor.
    He and his wife still incarcerated and still without trial or conviction.

    Kevin Taylor–Life in a Philippines Jail

  11. #11
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I just found this guy's Facebook page...
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I just found this guy's Facebook page...
    I don't use facebook, but looking at the pic it was added Aug 24th, if it was this year he looks pretty

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    it was added Aug 24th, if it was this year he looks pretty

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post


  15. #15
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    Sheriel from Leyte

    View his Facebook site,interesting

  16. #16
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post


    By the way, I've browsed through his past posts (I think the earliest was 2008). From his earliest post (a photo dated 2008), a lady with a surname of Dagger commented on that photo saying she misses her sex on the beach (the drink that the guy said in the story above). Also in one of the photos of this guy in Maldives (posted Feb 2008), that same lady posted saying she really misses that place.

    On his post dated May 2010, he said his marriage with his wife Dyanne will be annulled. But on his post dated March 2011, he said he's back with that lady and her daughter (Kyle/Khayle). On post July 2011, he said their marriage is really over.

    Okay I know I did read a few of his posts (I got curious if the story is really real
    ). But I think his story from what Jamie posted above is quite matching with his posts through the years in Facebook.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    It could be a scam but then again it could be real..
    Ive seen and heard of many similar stories over the years..
    Its happened many times in the past and will continue to happen again and again in the future.
    You decide!
    I tend to think thats this is probably authentic.

  19. #19
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    He's not very bright having his facebook open to public viewing.

  20. #20
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    Fred it could be real..

    But it was posted on the internet in 2008 (maybe earlier) and repeatedly ever since. It's a 'story.'

  21. #21
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    WANTED: 5/6 Loan in Davao City Philippines - This is a genuine request for assistance for a great friend here in Davao. Not girlfriend, but she has assisted me in my personal life when all was falling apart, due to my wife committing multiple adultery. Need to help her with money. Am British and can give you my passport details and a copy of it for any person willing to help. Need to lend her PHP25,000. Will return with interest by January 20th 2012 no later. Am cashing in a Share certificate and can send you a copy of this as well valued at around 520.00 British pounds. (Approx PHP37,000). Will repay PHP8,000 INTEREST on top of the PHP25,000. Please contact me on my email: Richard H Dagger Morning Side Heights KM 4, Bajada Davao City Republic of Philippines 8000

    WANTED: Silent Partner or Investor - An experienced British Hotel Training and operator with over 30 years in the Industry requires a "Silent Partner" or "Investor" to assist in obtaining a Hotel in the Philippines of up to 60 Rooms. Looking at the Mindanao area of the Philippines, or Cebu. Please contact me on to obtain all the details of my experience in the Hospitality Industry, and also if you can assist. Returns will be good.

    WANTED: Finance Required - Require Finance to purchase a Hotel in Davao area. Please contact me on:

    JOB WANTED: English Tutor Available - English Tutor available to teach children to all ages in Davao area. Experienced naturally as I am British in talking good Queens English. Also experienced in teaching many children in Asia countries in the last few years. TXT :09474157690 Email: Morning Side Heights KM 4, Bajada Davao City

    FOR SALE: House for Sale or Rent - 4 Rooms, 2 Dining, Dirty Kitchen, 2 Comfort Rooms, 2 Sala, 7 Ft Fence,located Morningside Heights, 4 Km Bajada, Davao City near Ladislawa Village, NCCC Village, and Condominium Ayala Breeza Mall. Smart 09398435471 Globe 09156191230 Sun 09236881629 THIS PROPERTY IS FOR SALE or RENT

  22. #22
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    WANTED: 5/6 Loan in Davao City Philippines - This is a genuine request for assistance for a great friend here in Davao. Not girlfriend, but she has assisted me in my personal life when all was falling apart, due to my wife committing multiple adultery. Need to help her with money. Am British and can give you my passport details and a copy of it for any person willing to help. Need to lend her PHP25,000. Will return with interest by January 20th 2012 no later. Am cashing in a Share certificate and can send you a copy of this as well valued at around 520.00 British pounds. (Approx PHP37,000). Will repay PHP8,000 INTEREST on top of the PHP25,000. Please contact me on my email: Richard H Dagger Morning Side Heights KM 4, Bajada Davao City Republic of Philippines 8000

    WANTED: Silent Partner or Investor - An experienced British Hotel Training and operator with over 30 years in the Industry requires a "Silent Partner" or "Investor" to assist in obtaining a Hotel in the Philippines of up to 60 Rooms. Looking at the Mindanao area of the Philippines, or Cebu. Please contact me on to obtain all the details of my experience in the Hospitality Industry, and also if you can assist. Returns will be good.

    WANTED: Finance Required - Require Finance to purchase a Hotel in Davao area. Please contact me on:

    JOB WANTED: English Tutor Available - English Tutor available to teach children to all ages in Davao area. Experienced naturally as I am British in talking good Queens English. Also experienced in teaching many children in Asia countries in the last few years. TXT :09474157690 Email: Morning Side Heights KM 4, Bajada Davao City

    FOR SALE: House for Sale or Rent - 4 Rooms, 2 Dining, Dirty Kitchen, 2 Comfort Rooms, 2 Sala, 7 Ft Fence,located Morningside Heights, 4 Km Bajada, Davao City near Ladislawa Village, NCCC Village, and Condominium Ayala Breeza Mall. Smart 09398435471 Globe 09156191230 Sun 09236881629 THIS PROPERTY IS FOR SALE or RENT
    I read all that earlier Terpe..
    IMO the guy told the story as it happened to him and now is broke,destitute and looking for funds.. Of course its all his own fault!
    Believe it or not this type of thing is quite normal here..
    I dont trust any Expat over here unless a friend vouches for him or Ive known him for 6 months or more.. Even then!!
    Lots of dramatic stories here about expats lives gone pear shaped...
    best think on!

  23. #23
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    I agree Fred.

    Daydreams can soon turn to nightmares over there...but do people listen ?

  24. #24
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    That broke destitute story dates back to 2009. He looks healthy and well on Facebook. His daughter attended his wedding back in 2007 so I'm sure his aussie family would cough up a plane fare if it was badly needed.

  25. #25
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    Yes, he certainly doesn't look underfed.

    Must be generating a good income from these begging letters.

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if he's that hard up why hasn't he gone back to OZ? surely family and friends can raise enough for an air ticket, can't be that much

    quick check its about £200 one way from Manila to Sydney with Philippine airlines

  27. #27
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if he's that hard up why hasn't he gone back to OZ? surely family and friends can raise enough for an air ticket, can't be that much

    quick check its about £200 one way from Manila to Sydney with Philippine airlines

    I have an Aussie Neighbour here.. His wife in Australia turned lesbian after 26 years and took his farm,property and kids from him.. His Parents are both dead and now he lives here with his girl friend....So who will send him 200 aussie Dollars for a flight back home when he needs it??
    Like most divorced men these days in Western countries..
    He`s on his own!!
    Think on!!

  28. #28
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I have an Aussie Neighbour here.. His wife in Australia turned lesbian after 26 years and took his farm,property and kids from him.. His Parents are both dead and now he lives here with his girl friend....So who will send him 200 aussie Dollars for a flight back home when he needs it??
    Like most divorced men these days in Western countries..
    He`s on his own!!
    Think on!!
    Can we ever trust a partner fully, they seem to want everything when they change their mind about a partner

    At least my dog seems genuine

  29. #29
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Can we ever trust a partner fully, they seem to want everything when they change their mind about a partner

    At least my dog seems genuine
    For some men, I think a dog is the best option!!
    A life of bliss compared with the legal torture they have been put through via ex wives..

  30. #30
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    First time I've ever read anything like this, I really believed it until I read all your comments!

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