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Thread: Is it possible to take wedding vows again

  1. #1
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    Is it possible to take wedding vows again

    I am going to see the wife in December , and all off Moneras family will be there in Manila . unfortunately when we were married only Moneras sister in law and her cousin were present as her family lives in pagadian . Monera really wishes to take our vows again with her close family present I can fully understand why as she was very upset they could not attend the first time and hopefully this will be the last time she will see her family for a couple of years if we are lucky enough to get the visa application accepted . Is this possible and would I need to get another cni and cenomar as this would say I am already married ? .I hope and pray this is possible as it would make Moneras and her mothers Christmas all that little more special .

    Has anyone else bone this and how did they go about it ?


  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Yes it's possible. Read this article (it's from a website of a resort in Batangas so they are offering their services in the article, but the renewal of vows idea is there). Just take notice though that if you want to do it in a Catholic church, they might have some restrictions of how long you've been married before you renew your vows (some said the Catholic church only allows it if you've been married for 5/10 years). But the good thing with renewal of vows is you can do it anywhere and don't need to have any papers/documents, plus even if it doesn't involve any religious officials it can be done.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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