hello everyone.. I'm Analou,

I've been in London for 10 months and been working some part time jobs like during the barrio Fiesta in Morden I was one of the staff though it was only two days, also I've been a nanny and currently now I am working as a cashier in Fulham Football Club which is a nice experience but it's only twice a month or rarely 3times a month for 6hours.. I am looking for a permanent job that would help me contribute to the family and pay some bills,. honestly, it is so difficult to find a job as I don't have a long time experience.. I graduated at the year 2012 of March got married at April 2012 went to Austria for 3months July till Sept. and got my EEA family permit and been here since Nov. 25, 2012..

A lot of people said that I should look for agency as that's the good way to start and build a good experience..but my problem is I don't know any agency that are based in London.. does anyone here knows some agency? Please I really need your help..