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Thread: Grand Theft Auto V

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    But what a hassle to get it..

    Will explain tomorrow after my late night playing it

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post

    But what a hassle to get it..

    Will explain tomorrow after my late night playing it
    looking forward to your review

  3. #3
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    looking forward to your review
    This is what happened to me..... I have cut and pasted from another forum I wrote this on.

    I preordered mine from Amazon....

    Checked the tracking number this morning and it shows it was delivered at 7.30 this morning.


    Just been to the sorting office and the postman that delivered it swore blind he posted it in my letterbox (I live in a flat and our letterboxes are on the wall outside) I told him he must have delivered it to the wrong letterbox or address, he swears he never.... I'm hoping a neighbour knocks on my door after work later and hands it to me. or if it's gone to the flats before mine then I have no chance as it wouldn't be the first time they have kept something of mine delivered wrongly!

    Looks like a claim coming up with Amazon if I don't get it by the end of the day. Already sent an email to Royal mail customer service.
    Sent an email to Amazon and got a speedy reply.

    They are refunding me but as they have no stocks left they are not going to send me a replacement.

    I have to say none of this is the fault of Amazon but their customer service gets 5 stars from me.

    If the game does turn up then I will contact them and let them though, but I dont think it will. Once the money is back in my account I will get it from Tesco I guess
    But sitting here bored, no neighbour has found my game and knocked at my door, so I shot off to the 24 hour tesco a couple of miles away (why I didn't do this before I don't know!) and purchased it. So I now have a copy.

    Although I almost lost my temper in Tesco and on another day quite possibly would have done and been kicked out.
    Picked up the game from the display as you walk in the door, to it to the cigarette counter and asked if I could purchase there (as I knew the display case was empty) She told me I'd have to go to the customer service counter, I told her I could see there was nobody on that counter could she do it. She said she couldnt move from her counter..... I said fair enough, pick up your phone and call someone over... She said she couldn't, I asked why and she just shrugged her shoulders and said because she had customers waiting to be served behind me.... So in no uncertain terms I called her a useless waste of space and walked off to find another staff member. Lucky for me I found the manager who opened up the customer service till and got the game for me out of the draw. I told her about the lady on the cigarette counter refusing to help and with that she called her over and gave her a stern telling off. I must admit to laughing at her on my way out.
    You wouldn't believe that I actually don't really play my x box that much.... Last night was probably the first time it's been on in 3 or 4 months.....
    Just I've always enjoyed playing these types of games, not really a fan of the call of duty ones and all those other must haves.
    So spent a few hours last night playing this and probably a few hours tonight, but unlike many people I dont spend a whole day playing only moving for a pee break!

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