Well we have it, or should i say Ems has it, today the letter came through the letter box and its been granted,
From sending it on 13 August to the date on the letter 16 September thats how long it has took,
We now have to get in touch with derby office within 21 days to book the ceremony,
We are both so happy about this and just before we go on our holiday too, so a double celebration it seems,
It feels so unreal what we have been through all the pain and worry and money too, but we are like others so close to becoming free from any worry any visas and soon we can come and go to many many places in the world knowing we both have that little book, BRITISH CITIZEN ,
Thanks for everyone who has given us support through these years , thanks for being there to listen to me moaning and cursing too,
All those who are thinking of doing this , just do it is all i can say , it is really easy to do, you just have to find the cash , thats the hardest thing