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  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    the family

    the other day we was talking about our past Ems and mine and growing up in different places,
    I was touched by what she was saying about her mum taking in other members of the family so the could move and work abroad and this was for years too, the sacrifice the family had to take so others could be happy too,
    Does that happen still i wonder, and do the people who are abroad working send enough money back to help too,
    It takes some sinking in how this world runs and most of the time all you think about is yourself, but now i know why Ems is like she is, she is a chip of the block of her mum,
    We all have stories to tell and each one will be different too, and we all have to make sacrifices sometime or other

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Very nice Steve, I enjoy reading your comments because they really do put a smile on my face and I'm sure lots of other forum members will agree with me!

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    the other day we was talking about our past Ems and mine and growing up in different places,
    I was touched by what she was saying about her mum taking in other members of the family so the could move and work abroad and this was for years too, the sacrifice the family had to take so others could be happy too,
    Does that happen still i wonder, and do the people who are abroad working send enough money back to help too,
    It takes some sinking in how this world runs and most of the time all you think about is yourself, but now i know why Ems is like she is, she is a chip of the block of her mum,
    We all have stories to tell and each one will be different too, and we all have to make sacrifices sometime or other
    Yes, it still happens.

    My mum is one example of that. Not just to relatives but also to neighbours she knows would make a worthy employee. Right now, 2 of my cousins live in our house in Manila (son of my aunt and daughter of my uncle who are both in Kuwait working). My mum provides for a house to live in, and everything that comes along with it (food, internet, etc.) while my uncle and aunt just provides for my cousins' tuition fees in universities
    and other school related stuffs. My mum re-built our old house to a better one so they can both be accommodated too. I also have 2 cousins who live on the third floor of that house because they would be nearer to work instead of going back and forth to Laguna everyday. My siblings and I grew up in that kind of set up, wherein we let relatives stay at our home until they can handle being on their own (money wise). At least having a free accommodation is enough to help them. My mum has done a lot for our family, hence everyone in the family adores her.

    My mum also has helped a lot of our neighbours get in to work, whether a messenger, an office secretary, a nanny, etc. If she knows someone would be good at it and would work hard to put out their own families from poverty, she would do necessary help to to get them through. She also started a small outreach to our neighbours in Laguna when big typhoons have hit in the past. No wonder neighbours has asked her to run as Baranggay Chairwoman in Manila. She just refuses because politics is not the answer in helping someone.

    To us, she's the wonder woman. She has never asked money from me and Keith since I got here in the UK by the way.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  4. #4
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    One of the most admirable traditions of the Filipino people IMO, and sadly, one of the most misunderstood by us Westerners.

  5. #5
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    20 billion dollars gets sent to the philippines every month according to national statistics so yes steve it still happens.In fact this country would be so much poorer if it was,nt for the 10 million OFW sending money back home thats for sure.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    20 billion dollars gets sent to the philippines every month according to national statistics so yes steve it still happens.In fact this country would be so much poorer if it was,nt for the 10 million OFW sending money back home thats for sure.
    Nice one Brian ........Nearly everybody has somebody or at least knows of someone working abroad to keep family up above water.

    To us, she's the wonder woman. She has never asked money from me and Keith since I got here in the UK by the way.

    Your Keith is a very lucky man

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