For the second year in a row i have negotiated a great deal on Sky.
Here is what I did, Last year i got notice of price increase from £64 to £67
I thought no way hosey
My package is large (shouldn't brag) I have all channels and HD etc.
So after contacting them i got the usual we will knock it down to £40 rubbish but I said no and called their bluff and said please disconnect me I'm skint
They did switch me off
But I waited patiently and after about a month got my 75% discount voucher bringing the price to just over £20 a month
I rejoined and its been great for a year
Then today I noticed they had taken £67 out of my account
I rang and said cant afford it, after lots of bullshit banter they went to check with supervisor and came back with £39 offer
No way so i said I'm sorry but i will leave it, don't want to go but cant really afford it (I praised them etc)
2 mins later they came back with my 75% offer again
I then thought push em a bit more so I said ok but you have charged me £67 this month so they agreed to use that as credit for my next two bills
So a result (I am a savvy yorkshireman) Sky tv full package hd for just over £20 a month instead of £67
It is so worth doing, secret is be nice, have a chat about any old crap, say you love sky but since work is quiet etc etc - go for sympathy vote
Just remember even at £20 they are making money - the signal is sent to everyone whether you're a customer or not, if you leave they get nothing. All they do is enable your sky box.
Good luck if you have a go at it, just think I have gone from potentiality paying £800 a year to just over £240: xxgrinning--00xx3: