Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
I think that £20 odd a month for Sky and then there is the tv licence to pay for still is fair.
Dont know how much it is to go to cinema these days but bet it's quite expensive.
To go to football matches would cost me close on £100 all in for one game
True there is lots of crap on tv but you get to see some great stuff lie idiot abroad,anything by Brian cox,The Ashes series,etc etc
If you staying in you not spending money going out as I know when I have a night out I spend shed loads
You know Les I've never had what you might call a night out, if I ever go out in an evening it's either Cinema (last film I ever watched in cinema was Lord of the rings) or visit someone's house for dinner (ten years since that happened) never eaten out in UK and have never been in a hotel in UK, been to an occasional bonfire and always had nice holidays, Cornwall, Scotland, Vancouver Island, Egypt, etc: never been to Europe though!