Tell you something about these council employees whose job it is to go around fining people for littering. This has been noticed by many.
At lunch breaks a while ago, they became notorious for following female office workers around, discreetly obviously, who were smoking. They waited to see if she dropped the butt on the ground, then they would pounce "That's a £50 fine, we want your personal details, tell us or we will call the police".
This in a not that clean town.
What everyone noticed, was that they weren't so quick to approach the "career drinkers" sat all day on benefits screaming abuse, and they certainly weren't so quick to approach football fans in groups dropping cans in the town on match days, or gangs of young men on the lash in town on Saturday nights!
Not saying it's acceptable to litter, although really cigarette butts.........well there must be worse crimes to pursue.
Maybe it just showed the "British way of being walked upon" that these people gave their details instead of just picking the litter up quickly and walking off.....leaving the council official, no doubt such a brave man in his little peaked hat looking silly talking and blustering to himself.
Again, not saying such behaviour is acceptable, however...............I don't like it when such officials pick on easy targets leaving the much worse offenders to get away yet again