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Thread: How do I know that I am legally married to my filipina

  1. #1
    Member dopey's Avatar
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    How do I know that I am legally married to my filipina

    Hi all
    Gentle now, newbie onboard

    Married to a filipina for 8 years, 5 years we came to UK (I am British)
    last year she got her British passport and citizenship, and that was the last I saw of her. little communication from her, saying she will never give me annulment now its in her time and thats 5 years form now.
    I read extesinvily on here all about going to Cotabato, 50k etc etc
    Then I read somewhere that IF the marriage wasn't performed properly then its null and void
    how do I know my marriage was indeed legal?
    I have the certificate, but as we know in the Phils anything can be copied.
    The ex made all the arrangements at the time and we got married in a restaurant by their local vicar (priest)

    Are there ways I can find out if I am married,
    IE by going to the Philippine Embassy in London and asking them to check records

    thanks folks for your answers

  2. #2
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    Hi there.
    Firstly, Let me say, with no offence intended, that's not the best user name you could have come up with is it?

    To answer you question.....If NSO has you on record as legally married, then you are 'legally' married. Period.
    What you do about that is another issue. This forum will not provide information that is neither correct nor illegal.

    Let me ask this.......if NSO state you are legally married according to their records but you discover that actually you are not legally married (in the Philippines) what do you believe you can do? This is a serious question so please don't think there's no point to it.

    Did you (personally) follow all legal procedures ? (ie UK CNI exchanged for local .... marriage licence etc) ?

    First step get hold of your record from NSO

    BTW, yes, a UK divorce will require 5 years if the spouse will not agree.

  3. #3
    Member dopey's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe
    My user name is based on Disney = Dopey..sometimes its a good fit...hehehe

    I will look at what you have suggested..thanks

    Allow me to elabrate
    I am moving to Philippines, work and home
    If I am still 'legally married' I am told she is entitled to HALF (50%) of everything I own in the Phils.
    Now I understand the Philippines is a big place and i could get 'lost' but I am planning a move business and home to Manila.
    If she is entitled to 50% trust me she will find me

  4. #4
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    you must be dopey coming to the philippines then waiting for her to turn up and take half your business off you lol

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dopey View Post
    Thanks Terpe
    My user name is based on Disney = Dopey..sometimes its a good fit...hehehe

    I will look at what you have suggested..thanks

    Allow me to elabrate
    I am moving to Philippines, work and home
    If I am still 'legally married' I am told she is entitled to HALF (50%) of everything I own in the Phils.
    Now I understand the Philippines is a big place and i could get 'lost' but I am planning a move business and home to Manila.
    If she is entitled to 50% trust me she will find me
    Dopey, as I said first step is to check what NSO have on record. You may do that online for a very small cost.
    If you believe that the process, documentation and/or marriage itself did not follow the Family Code then you may have grounds for annulment.....but....that's a thread for another day.

    What do you believe you own 100% of in the Philippines?

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    If she is entitled to 50% trust me she will find me
    Hi Dopey... Mr Silly here.

    First off it might be a good idea to be more specific and explain what kind of business you intend to engage in here in the R.P.
    Strictly speaking, you are set to lose more than 50% of your business because to begin with you can only own 40% of a legally registered business according to Filipino law.. The other 60% will be controlled by your Filipino business partner..
    So... If your wife did turn up and believed that she was entitled to half your share (which I doubt she is whilst you are still married) she could only expect 20% share of the business... Anyway,in theory,if this scenario ever came to pass its not hard to calculate that if you provided 100% of the capital start up then you would have just lost 80% of it!!
    Do you yet know who your Filipino business partner is/are?

    Mr Silly.

  7. #7
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    I have nothing to add at this time, but I WOULD like to claim Mr. Grumpy.

  8. #8
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    Well I'll claim Mr Happy

  9. #9
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    My friends refer me as Snow I know where my dwarves are!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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  11. #11
    Member dopey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Hi Dopey... Mr Silly here.

    First off it might be a good idea to be more specific and explain what kind of business you intend to engage in here in the R.P.
    Strictly speaking, you are set to lose more than 50% of your business because to begin with you can only own 40% of a legally registered business according to Filipino law.. The other 60% will be controlled by your Filipino business partner..
    So... If your wife did turn up and believed that she was entitled to half your share (which I doubt she is whilst you are still married) she could only expect 20% share of the business... Anyway,in theory,if this scenario ever came to pass its not hard to calculate that if you provided 100% of the capital start up then you would have just lost 80% of it!!
    Do you yet know who your Filipino business partner is/are?

    Mr Silly.
    Sorry to be late in my I've not got 'privileges' I cant access my own page to see where and what posts I've made.
    I've sent an email to the mods but no response yet.

    No I dont know who my business partners are as yet, Business not yet set up, I was being hypothetical.
    I cant seem to find on the net where it can tell me what the 'ex' is/not entitled to after or indeed before the annulment.
    Whats worrying me is
    When I go back in 2014, I buy a house (Yes i know about not being able to own it outright etc etc)
    start a business (again Cheers Fred) and after say 4 years when i am successful and have franchised the business with marami outlets, and have 2 x homes....will she be entitled to anything I have built up

  12. #12
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    I thought partners could only gain from assets acquired DURING the marriage ?

  13. #13
    Member dopey's Avatar
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    So did I
    My Previous marriage was to a British Citizern, we divorced.
    I rang my private pension company 2 years ago to get some info and was told that my 'ex' had 'interests' on my pension.
    Off the record the man said that my ex wife 'could' claim 505 of my pension as i took it out while I was married to her at the you can see my worries here (I hope )

  14. #14
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dopey View Post
    Sorry to be late in my I've not got 'privileges' I cant access my own page to see where and what posts I've made.
    I've sent an email to the mods but no response yet.

    No I dont know who my business partners are as yet, Business not yet set up, I was being hypothetical.
    I cant seem to find on the net where it can tell me what the 'ex' is/not entitled to after or indeed before the annulment.
    Whats worrying me is
    When I go back in 2014, I buy a house (Yes i know about not being able to own it outright etc etc)
    start a business (again Cheers Fred) and after say 4 years when i am successful and have franchised the business with marami outlets, and have 2 x homes....will she be entitled to anything I have built up
    Im not sure what the legal position is after an annulment as the word means null and void and says basically that you were never married.. Ex wife? What ex wife?
    If you are in the R.P now,find a lawyer and tell us what he advises...
    Interesting stuff.
    Be careful about Filipino business partners BTW.. Usually they will plan to steal everything before year one.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dopey View Post
    Hi all
    Gentle now, newbie onboard

    Married to a filipina for 8 years, 5 years we came to UK (I am British)
    last year she got her British passport and citizenship, and that was the last I saw of her. little communication from her, saying she will never give me annulment now its in her time and thats 5 years form now.
    I read extesinvily on here all about going to Cotabato, 50k etc etc
    Then I read somewhere that IF the marriage wasn't performed properly then its null and void
    how do I know my marriage was indeed legal?
    I have the certificate, but as we know in the Phils anything can be copied.
    The ex made all the arrangements at the time and we got married in a restaurant by their local vicar (priest)

    Are there ways I can find out if I am married,
    IE by going to the Philippine Embassy in London and asking them to check records

    thanks folks for your answers
    Quote Originally Posted by dopey View Post
    Sorry about this guys SHOUTING, but read the first few lines..
    Anyone know if the applies to the UK?
    This is the question:-
    I'm a foreigner living in the Philippines and married with Filipina.
    my wife left me in 2002 and went living with a Filipino Man.
    Quote Originally Posted by dopey View Post
    I cant find Philippines to UK conversion for bras

    I want to send bras from here to Philippines

    The lady in question is 34B in Philippines
    What would that equate to here please?


    Hi Dopey, Can you clarify the inconsistencies - How many wives have you got, which one are the bras for and where are you ?

  16. #16
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    C'mon Dopy, we all await your answer!

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