Hi all
Gentle now, newbie onboard

Married to a filipina for 8 years, 5 years we came to UK (I am British)
last year she got her British passport and citizenship, and that was the last I saw of her. little communication from her, saying she will never give me annulment now its in her time and thats 5 years form now.
I read extesinvily on here all about going to Cotabato, 50k etc etc
Then I read somewhere that IF the marriage wasn't performed properly then its null and void
how do I know my marriage was indeed legal?
I have the certificate, but as we know in the Phils anything can be copied.
The ex made all the arrangements at the time and we got married in a restaurant by their local vicar (priest)

Are there ways I can find out if I am married,
IE by going to the Philippine Embassy in London and asking them to check records

thanks folks for your answers