The problem is that this is just another soundbite from an out of touch government, which they know will be immensely those who don't think too hard on what's really going on.
Thing is, everyone knows the despised sub class, who hang around town centres during "working hours" - except they aren't working of course. They always have money for cigs, they always have money to get drunk, or afford a new piece of string for the "staffie".
There they are getting drunk and shouting abuse at their "betters" - in other words just about everyone who is either working or retired.
WE are their employers, because OUR taxes pay for these idle

's to not to have to work. Or they might be on incapacity benefit because they can't work, because a few years ago they hurt their back, or have depression (Guess what, I have an occasional bad back, but I take asprin and go to work, and I used to be on antidepressants, but I took up physical activity, got out, got a life and got over it with the help of friends and a very jovial doctor who was also a bit of a lad and said it as it was).
These people are the ones everyone hates and would like to see the idle parasites be made to work.
But hang one............
1. They might have kids, there is no way they will have benefits cut if this is the case, there is no way they can be turfed out their council houses..........and even if they were, the social would then pay private landlords.
2. Some wouldn't work anyway, they'd just turn to criminal activities.
3. There just isn't the jobs! Who is going to employ a lazy drunk? And don't say they could work for McDonalds etc.........the people working there, some might not be the most intelligent, but they are hard workers, many are students wanting some money and working in a fun vibrant environment for short, these places deserve better workers than that.
4. So maybe councils could be made to take them on...........ermmmm, then whose current job will be lost, which department already does these jobs and would be displaced in favour of subsidised cheap labour?
One solution would be councils starting up new departments, to scrub pavements of gum, make public parks into pristine places (Which would be a brilliant turnabout as so often our public parks are turned into hellholes by these people hanging around them, they could tidy up the mess instead).........but what would be the cost? This would need supervisors, and people who could handle themselves at that for the inevitable hassle such "employees" would cause.
Then what about the genuine fallen on bad times people? Again jobs aren't exactly plentiful, should they also be forced into this?
Top and bottom of it is, everyone knows the feckless who this should be aimed at, whose only contributions to society are the birth rate, crime rate and benefits bill.
These people though, successive governments just won't tackle, instead they go after easier targets.
Again, it's just a meaningless soundbite