Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
working for benefits,, you should get the minimum wage then, surely its illegal to pay someone less ? a fair days pay for a fair days work ,I've not a problem with that, after all many will have paid in, so you can take out. those that have never worked well that's a different story

you think those on benefits who are now forced to work, I'm not talking about those that have never worked, but those that have paid tax will vote tory now, the working class who now have lost tax creds, the middle class who have lost child benefit will vote Tory
The Government would say many haven't paid tax or for that matter ever done a day's work in their sorry littles lives ..As for the working class losing their tax credits well, I've never been able to claim that and I'm working class.

What is wrong with doing something worthwhile for the benefits they get?....'They should get min wage' blah blah blah!!...this is the trouble with this country..too many accustomed to living in the money for nothing culture..tell you what, lets stop the money altogether until the abled bodied layabouts manage to drag themselves away from Jeremy Kyle show, pile into a van and go pick litter.