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Thread: Romanian Ambassador Ion Jinga Blames Ukip For Racist Attacks

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Romanian Ambassador Ion Jinga Blames Ukip For Racist Attacks

    The Romanian ambassador to the UK has blamed Ukip's anti-immigration campaign for racist attacks on people from his country.

    read more here ..

  2. #2
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    This makes me laugh his own bloody goverment don,t want them either because they bring shame onto true romanians .not all romanians are like these roma,s ,they like living in pigstyes and getting up to no good.As iv,e said before iv,e got romanian lodgers and they all work and keep my house spotless and are nice people even they have told me its the roma people that give all romainians a bad name .

  3. #3
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    I think it may be the ones who come here thieving who give Romanians a bad name.

    Perhaps the Romanian government would like to help the situation by taking them back and locking them up ?

  4. #4
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    I've been to Romania and spoken to quite a few "normal" Romanians, albeit a few years ago. You'd be surprised just how friendly they are. Really they're just normal cultured people, who were put through absolute hell by the Yalta agreement surrendering them to Stalin at the end of WW2. Their country was completely wrecked for decades and never recovered.

    The whole thing is pretty much like if our drunken chavs were to go in large numbers to Romania.

    a. We'd be VERY happy to see the back of them..........exactly what the Romanians are thinking of the certain people who are coming here.

    b. The Romanians would be forgiven for thinking all Brits are drunken foul mouthed idle baby-machines with bad taste in dogs.

    No-one seems to ever answer the elephant in the room question - why were certain countries which were clearly not yet ready for entry, admitted to the EU?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    No-one seems to ever answer the elephant in the room question - why were certain countries which were clearly not yet ready for entry, admitted to the EU?
    Spot on ...and I'd include Greece on the list.

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