Great site, just wanted to say hi and hope i can get some great advice and give some in return!

I am currently based in Belfast but have been travelling back and forth to Ortigas since 2004 where my fiancée is based. Just bought a new apartment also near Ortigas centre so pretty jazzed about that.

Moving out full time in Dec 2007 but keeping my job in UK, working remote so any and all advice about the big move, (Tourist visa extension anyone?) is always helpful and maybe in time I can pass back my experiences to anyone who wants help.

We are getting married in 2008 so I will post pics of the big day if your nice to me lol!

I currently work in recruitment in Belfast, Northern Ireland - man the weather is terrible this year and I brought my plans to move forward by a year because of that :P

Anyway hope to hear from you all and have a good one!