Hi, everyone! Last Monday, I took the the Life in the UK test in Lewisham. I was scheduled to have it at 11 AM so I left the house 2 hours before since I still had to look for the place. I live in Croydon, by the way. I got there at 10, thanks to Google maps I just had to follow its lead and there I was standing in front of the testing center. Anyway, the test started at exactly 11 AM; I didn't consume the whole 45 minutes as I wanted to get over it right away but I did check my answers many, many times. Luckily, I passed. Yay! The questions were all based on the 3rd edition of the Life in the UK guide book. I got a wrong answer on the question about what kind of films was Nick Park famous for. I chose detective films when it should have been animated lol

After the exam, I strolled around the town center a bit then took a bus to the big Tesco in Elmers End to do a bit of groceries. I was extremely happy the whole time because I was relieved that I was done with the exam. I left Tesco at about 3:30 PM and took the tram towards Croydon and still I had that happy feeling but little did I know that it would only last just a few minutes more.

The tram stopped at Arena to load/unload passengers. I was seated in front just a few steps behind the driver. I was doing some calculations on my phone and then there it was, a man from behind snatched my phone and ran out towards the alley. I just sat there, stunned. I saw the driver talking over the phone then he called me and asked where I was headed then told me to get off at East Croydon Station as the police where there waiting for me.

I spent 2 hours in the police station giving my statement, describing the guy, etc etc. They said they would be getting the CCTV the next day although I have already quite accepted that I won't be getting my phone back. I just hope the guy who took it would be recognizable on the camera. They asked me if I was willing to go to court and I answered, "is it scary?" They said no so I just agreed. They told me to call if I wanted to know what has happened or if there was any progress but I just didn't call anymore.

I just didn't expect it. I was on the tram so I thought I was safe but obviously I was wrong.